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Save The Tiger Fund | Tiger Farming
In pragmatic terms, this is an extremely valuable animal. Given the growing popularity of traditional Chinese medicines, which make use of everything from tiger claws (to treat insomnia) to tiger fat ( ... exception to this dangerous idea: We don't want tiger parts – American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ACTCM) Legalizing tiger trade would spell doom for wild tigers –Save The ...
SBN Feature Article: January 1998
China, where traditional medicine sales have doubled in the last five years, 77 of 389 rare and endangered plant species are traditional medicinal plants. In India, 120 ... (almost 90% of American ginseng exports go to Hong Kong), where it is processed in traditional Chinese medicines as a tonic for the lungs, stomach, spleen and heart. The enduring profitability of American ...
Amur leopard -- Panthera pardus orientalis
Villagers raise the sika deer for their antlers which are used in traditional Chinese medicines. Tigers and leopards find the deer easy prey and are more than capable of ... 7: Weight & Length Figures | 8&9: Conservation Amur | Bali | Bengal | Caspian | Corbetts | Javan | Sumatran | South Chinese | Amur Leopard Subspecies Index | Home Photography With Thanks To The Feline Conservation Center ( ...
Chinese medicines, while the abundantly found hardshell species are not commercially important for them. Plastron of ... of money in advance to start the business and adopt it as their profession. Traditional techniques and instruments are used for turtle capturing. Local people use spear rods (Sangola) ...
WWF - Threats to the Tigers
Illegal trade - Traditional "cures" a curse for tigers In recent years, the illegal hunting of tigers for body parts used in traditional Chinese medicines has become a major problem. The growing prosperity of the Southeast Asian and East Asian economies since the 1970s has led to an ever-increasing demand for these medicines ...
Issue of the Month: Sell the Tiger to Save it?
In pragmatic terms, this is an extremely valuable animal. Given the growing popularity of traditional Chinese medicines, which make use of everything from tiger claws (to treat insomnia) to tiger fat ... Environmental Investigation Agency, which has done extensive and definitive work on tigers, notes that traditional Chinese medicine is a global market and the main reason for taking a tiger product ...
Chinese medicines (TCM) in London, of which there has been a huge increase in recent years, reflecting a growth in consumer demand for alternative medicine remedies. Most traditional Chinese medicines do ... Crime Unit, as part of Operation Charm, executed a search warrant at a Traditional Chinese Medicine outlet in Deptford, South East London, where a number of products were seized ...
NGOs* - was launched to crack down on illegal wildlife trade with the initial focus on Traditional Chinese Medicines. A number of seizures and prosecutions have already been made by the Wildlife Crime Unit ...
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Corbetts or Indo-Chinese Tiger Reserves and National Parks in detail. Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park.
Asian medicines. Probably as a result of this the tigers in this park are very shy and ... Tara | Taking A Census | Post Mortems Tiger Reserves: Amur | Bali | Bengal | Caspian | Corbetts | Javan | South Chinese | Sumatran Wild Tigers Index | Home Photography With Thanks To John White (Photo 1) Denise ...
Poll shows majority of Chinese public supports ban on tiger trade
Most used tiger products as medicines or health tonics and had done so since China's 1993 tiger-trade ban ... Fund for Animal Welfare. The primary use of tiger products in traditional Chinese medicine is to remedy arthritic conditions. The traditional Chinese medicine community has won praise from conservationists for finding and embracing ...
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