traditional beekeepers

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Badgers and bee-keepers
Tthroughout Africa, where badgers still occur, traditional beekeepers hang their bark hives from trees to minimize damage from badgers as they have done for generations. While traditional beekeepers are remarkably fatalistic about the 2 –7 % of hives they still lose to badgers each season, commercial beekeepers are less able to ...

Hive protection
Developed by beekeepers for beekeepers Overview of beehive protection methods: For thousands of years Africa’s traditional beekeepers have had to contend with honey badgers ... still in use. Many commercially successful beekeepers, operating more than 1000 beehives each were using stands with excellent results. Some beekeepers found it beneficial to buy old second ... More from this site

Hookele Hawaii Creations
Hawaii. Hawaii Beekeepers Association Assists and educate beekeepers, encourages beekeeping as a hobby and an industry, and promotes natural beekeeping methods. Hale Kukuna Vacation rentals above traditional fish pond near Hana ...

Millions Against Monsanto Campaign - Organic Consumers Association
Crop yields for GE cotton were 5 TIMES LESS than traditional Indian cotton and the income from GE cotton was 7 TIMES LESS than conventional cotton ... & The Biotech Bullies: Making a Profit Out of The Food Crisis 07/18/08 - German Beekeepers Mobilize Against Pollution from Genetically Engineered Corn 07/16/08 - Overview: Genetically Engineered Crops Will ...

Conservation, humanitarianism two sides of the same coin in Rwanda
Trust previously has financially supported PIC’s work with beekeepers, purchasing smokers and modern hives that were placed outside the rain forest. When traditional hives are used, grass is burned to create ... fires. Since the project was launched in 2005, there have been no forest fires and beekeepers are collecting 50 percent more honey. Jendry said PIC’s projects reflect Rwandan conservation ...

Mount Kenya
Christian missionaries arrived to convert the people, altering the traditional Kikuyu belief system. Perhaps because they were among ... , community members are equipped and trained to keep bees in or near forest areas; beekeepers then monitor for illegal activities in the areas around their hives, and through resulting ...

Friends of Animals | Making a Space for Bees | Spring 2008
To obtain these products, beekeepers regularly disturb the hives, crushing some bees in the process. Beekeepers will replace the bees' honey with high-fructose corn syrup ... mint) blooms all summer, and the flowers are also used in teas and in the traditional recipe for ani se hyssop tea bread. Bee balm, native to the northeastern United States ...

Agriculture -- VCE Media Kit
Virginia’s bee industry (March 2008) More than 2,000 beekeepers in Virginia face the possibility of losing entire bee colonies to the Colony Collapse ... has been working on assessing products to use as feed additives as a substitute for traditional antibiotic feeds. Poultry sanitation improved through work of Virginia Cooperative Extension specialist (March 2004) ...

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