Results 1 - 10 from 18 for tradable permits in 0.309 sec.
IPCC - Third Assessment Report - Working Group III
Policy instruments may include: emissions/carbon/energy taxes tradable or non-tradable permits provision and/or removal of subsidies energy mix requirements product bans voluntary agreements government ...
Consequences (vol. 1, No. 1) - America's Water Supply: Status and Prospects for the Future
... might include effluent fees that provide incentives to develop and adopt least-cost technologies, and tradable permits to pollute that establish an allowable quantity of pollution in a watershed and provide incentives ...
Climate Change Blog: August 2006 Monthly Archives
In the U.S., New York and six other northeastern U ...
SBN Feature Article: October 1997
Climate Convention (ecotaxes and tradable permits). The wood products and fishing industries are in transition from using predominantly native ecosystems for ...
Emissions Trading Education Initiative (ETEI) | Emissions Trading Bibliography
Bibliography Main Page Spatial Issues and Trading Rules Atkinson, S. E. (1994). Tradable Discharge Permits: Restrictions on Least Cost Solutions. Economic Instruments for Air Pollution Control. G. ... New York University Environmental Law Journal 3: 195-249. Tietenberg, T. H. (1995). "Tradable Permits for Pollution Control When Emission Location Matters: What Have We Learned?" Environmental and ...
Iniciativa Eduacional sobre Transacción de Emisiones (ETEI):
Bibliografía sobre transacción de emisiones
Temas espaciales y reglas sobre transacción Atkinson, S. E. (1994). Tradable Discharge Permits: Restrictions on Least Cost Solutions. Economic Instruments for Air Pollution Control. G. ... New York University Environmental Law Journal 3: 195-249. Tietenberg, T. H. (1995). "Tradable Permits for Pollution Control When Emission Location Matters: What Have We Learned?" Environmental and ...
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Climate Change 2001: Mitigation
Manage Carbon Pools 4.6.1 Introduction, Taxes, and Quotas 4.6.2 Carbon Offsets, Tradable Permits and Leakage 4.6.3 Risks, Rights, and Practical Economics 4.7 Biological Uptake in ...
Climate Change 2001: Mitigation
Kyoto Mechanisms. As a simple form of tradable permits, AIJ and other market-based schemes represent important potential mechanisms for stimulating additional resource flows ...
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Kyoto: trading emissions permits
Tradable permits Explanation and benefits Trading emissions permits was suggested by the European Union in 2002 as one ... caused countries to negotiate on tradable permits as a Kyoto instrument. There is however still a great deal of discussions about using tradable emissions permits as an instrument to achieve ...
Factor 5 - Publication Brief
Legislation Success of Feebates, Feed-in Tariffs, Waster Water Charge and Recycling Laws Role of Tradable Permits, Pollution Trading and Financial Market Instruments in driving innovation for resource productivity PART FOUR: PROPOSING ...