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Environmental issues and how to solve them
Simply building and then closing these dumps one at ... to develop products that are environmentally safe and thus avoid the toxic dumps of the future. This will not come easy, nor will ... to poison the beautiful land we live on. Eliminate the toxic dumps! Just Say No to Poisons! More on Environmental Issues: New Article ...
Changed Southwestern Forests: Resource effects and management remedies (part 2 of 3)
These fuel loads are an environmental debt, like toxic dumps. They will take decades of determined action to clean up, and that only if society ...
A history of wildlife in North America -
Today ... included the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act, and others that seek to decrease pollution. Other legislation such as the ...
[ Computer Take Back Campaign ]
Africa every day, ending up in massive toxic dumps where children burn and pull them apart to extract metals ... the shanty towns that have sprung up amid the smouldering dumps in Lagos and Accra. Campaigners believe unscrupulous scrap merchants ... quick end to the spectacle of children scrabbling around in toxic waste dumps in Africa, Europe's regulators and more importantly its consumers ...
COPA - PCBs and Superfund in Bloomington, Indiana
Superfund law for cleaning up toxic dumps. City, county and state governments are also parties to the agreement, called a consent decree ...
History of Earth Day | Earthday
Groups that had been fighting against oil spills, polluting factories and power plants, raw sewage, toxic dumps, pesticides, freeways, the loss of wilderness, and the extinction of wildlife suddenly realized they shared ...
02/07 - Funding for Great Lakes cleanup not likely to survive Congress
The indifference left a legacy of dangerous gunk that ...
Digesting Borderland Environmental News | Planeta
S. media and public discovered Mexico and the borderlands. Congressional visits touring border shantytowns and toxic dumps became a staple of the U.S. media diet. Mexican newspapers also paid greater attention ... strides are being made or 2) All hell is breaking lose. The "progressive" magazines run toxic ravine and health risk stories, but rarely any positive stories. On the other hand, business ...
John and Nancy Jack Todd - The Restoration Of Waters
Alzheimer's because of this huge infusion of toxic aluminum in the environment. And there are many more examples. The ... town in Vermont. We were trying to get rid of a toxic by-product of conventional waste treatment - ammonia - and we began to ... feet above the water supply for the town. Nancy: And Robert, these dumps are so bad that when I first saw these particular pits ...
EARTH-FRIENDLY PAPER: Recycled Paper, Tree-Free, Kenaf, Hemp, Chlorine-Free, Post-Consumer, Non-Toxic Inks
Tree-Free, Kenaf, Hemp, Chlorine-Free, Post-Consumer, Non-Toxic Inks AURORA VISIONARY ART Dreams, Myths and Nature Inspire the Images ... considering recycled paper. The mills don't send it to the dumps. It is valuable to them. Chlorine Free: paper bleached with Oxygen ... process used to make pure white and colored papers creates a toxic substance called dioxin that is polluting our air, soil and water ...
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