torture and murder

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Results 1 - 10 from 26 for torture and murder in 0.280 sec.

Al Gore fires up hearts but oozes myths
More oil! Buy new cars!” For Gore and all of us to condemn the torture and murder at military installations is right, but when war is still condoned this is moral bankruptcy. The war has been – along with the occupation – a large torture-and-murder exercise. State ...

IMPACT Press: Web Contents for August-September '00
From the Editor: by Craig Mazer Read this before you donate any money to charity - your money may be used for torture and murder. Notes from ... of innocent creatures there can be no peace, no liberty, no harmony between people. Slaughter and justice cannot dwell together." --Isaac Beshevis Songer, writer, Nobel laureate "Nationalism is an infantile disease ...

McLibel "Factsheet"
MURDERING ANIMALS The burger chain menus, according to the pamphlet, are based on the torture and murder of millions of animals. It claimed most are intensively farmed, with no access to fresh air and sunshine and no freedom of movement. Their deaths are barbaric and "humane ...

U.S. Commitment to International Religious Freedom
Such a government is also more likely to protect the rights most closely associated with religious freedom, such as freedom of expression, freedom of association and assembly, and the ... right to ask the fundamental questions about the origins, nature, value and destiny of human life, and to worship and live in accord with the obligations that ensue. Full Report This ...

Peace and reconciliation via witch-hunting? The concepts may not be incompatible, argues Nancy Scheper-Hughes. | April 1999 | New Internationalist
Sun Valley. He remains unrepentant as he comments on the revelations of torture and murder by the apartheid regime: `You know, I sat in at all the top executive meetings of the Defence Force, which is where all the decisions were taken... and I ...

Peace on Bougainville? (Do or Die)
Bougainville experiencing the most degrading violations: murder, torture, beatings and rape by the Papua New Guinea Defence Force and its pro-PNG 'Resistance Force'. Australian-supplied ... and National Crisis In January 1997, the PNG government hired the London based mercenaries, Sandline International, to contain and neutralise the BRA (a euphemism for kill, maim and murder the ...

EarthRights International - The Situation of Women in Burma
They are subjected to all the dangers the military poses to men, such as forced labor, torture, and murder, and then additional horrors based on their gender, including rape, forced marriage, and forced pregnancy. They must raise their children and care for their elderly ...

EarthRights International - Doe v. Unocal Case History
Doe v. Unocal and compensate the villagers who sued the firm for complicity in forced labor, rape, and murder. Read the full press release here ... relocation, forced labor, rape, torture, and murder. In addition to EarthRights International (ERI), counsel for the plaintiffs includes Paul Hoffman, the Center for Constitutional Rights, Hadsell & Stormer, and Judith Brown Chomsky. ... More from this site

News and Events | Pierce Law
Medicine and Indigenous Knowledge, in Accra, Ghana. Dean Hutson featured in Academy Award-winning documentary An interview with Franklin Pierce Law Center Dean John D. Hutson regarding torture and interrogation techniques ... and University College Cork, Ireland hold 4th Annual e-Law Summer Institute CHIPSI students tour Patent Office; move on to Xi'an Prof. Temple on jury selection in capital murder ...

Imitating the Gestapo, Imitating Stalin
And Abu Ghraib produced a tiny fraction of the number of abuse, torture, and murder cases that have been subsequently revealed." Mr. Bush's statement that "we do not torture," even ...

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