Results 1 - 10 from 44 for tonnes per hectare in 0.259 sec.
IPCC Bogs & Fens of Ireland Conservation Plan 2005 - Campaign Action
Peatlands contain an estimated 5000 tonnes of carbon per hectare. Undisturbed peat accumulates carbon from the air at a rate of up to 0.7 tonnes per hectare per year (Pearce 1994). In a natural ... bubbling out of the peatland, a bi-product of aerobic decomposition. An estimated 8 tonnes of carbon dioxide per hectare per year is released from drained peatlands. In Ireland 40% of our peatlands ...
The forest garden is an idea whose time has come. ”Obviously, few of us are ...
RIRDC Rice Research Program home page
The highest yield recorded was in 2003 with 10.2 tonnes per hectare being produced and the lowest yield being 6.7 tonnes per hectare in 2005. Cold temperatures during panicle formation can dramatically reduce yields, as experienced during 2005. Domestic per ...
Less is more for Nepali rice
A normal paddy field needs 50 kilogrammes of seed per hectare, yet this method uses less than ten kilogrammes. This is ... year using the new method.” Majhi, who used to harvest five tonnes per hectare and is now getting at least twice as much, has ... produce more than 90 000 tonnes of rice seeds. The SRI advocates say the method would save 80 000 tonnes and harvests nationwide could ...
New Rice for Africa
US$1 billion. The ... a production of nearly 750 000 tonnes per year, achieving rice import savings worth nearly US$90 million per year. Nericas are spreading fast in ... , we’re getting yields as high as 2.5 tonnes per hectare at low inputs – and 5 tonnes or more with just minimum increase in fertilizer use," ...
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Optimum Population Trust: Glossary
Country B (25 lha) grows 2.5 tonnes per hectare = 62.5 tonnes Country C (20 lha) grows 1.5 tonnes per hectare = 30 tonnes Country D (15 lha) grows 3.0 tonnes per hectare = 45 tonnes ...
How ecological agriculture changed my life
My harvests reached 3.4 tonnes per hectare, more than four times their original level. Soon friends began asking me for advice. ... four villages studied, those involved in the programme are harvesting an average of 4.3 tonnes per hectare. People are better educated, seasonal emigration has nearly ceased and less chemical fertilizer is ...
A recently completed 21-year Swiss study, on ... % to 53% less fertilizer and energy and 97% less pesticide, however, and produced more food per unit of energy and fertilizer. The soil microbes, flora, fauna and soil fertility also increased ...
From Greenhouse to Green House
The most productive oil crop that can be grown in this country is rape. The average yield is 3-3.5 tonnes per hectare. One tonne of rapeseed produces 415kg of biodiesel. So every hectare of arable land could provide 1.45 tonnes of ... oil. Oilpalm can produce four times as much biodiesel per hectare as rape, and it is grown in places where ...
Equity Watch - Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre for Science and
Environment (CSE)
An Andhra Pradesh, India, case study shows the setting up a eucalyptus plantation could cost US $493 per hectare (ha). Projection for carbon sequestration in the same area is 1.4 to 9.5 million tonnes of carbon per ha per ... to produce wood for charcoal. Credits worth 12.9 million tonnes per carbon dioxide equivalent will be claimed for storing carbon dioxide ...
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