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Report on invasive plant species on Tonga
Tonga Appendix 5. Scientific name synonyms Appendix 6. Invasive and potentially invasive species present on Tongatapu Appendix 7. Invasive and potentially invasive species present on ‘Eua Appendix 8 ... Tonga Appendix 5. Scientific name synonyms Appendix 6. Invasive and potentially invasive species present on Tongatapu Appendix 7. Invasive and potentially invasive species present on ‘Eua Appendix 8 ...
Report on invasive plant species in Niue
Niue Appendix 4. Invasive species present in American Samoa, the Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Samoa or Tonga but not present in Niue Appendix 5. Scientific name synonyms Report ... to be present in Niue Appendix 4. Invasive species present in American Samoa, the Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Samoa or Tonga but not present in Niue Appendix 5. Scientific name synonyms (1 ...
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SoundNet - Whale Watching 2001 - An IFAW Report
(See Appendix 3 for a listing of all IWC countries and associated territories with a breakdown of ... amounts spent by whale watch employers and employees. Recent whale watch studies in Hawaii and Tonga have confidently included such numbers in their calculations, but it would be difficult to do ...
Acacia albida (Faidherbia albida) Mimosoideae
Development Authority (SIDA), Regional Soil Conservation Unit (RCSU), Nairobi, Kenya . Tech. Handbook No. 4. Appendix. 3. 199p. Tonga: Musangu. Lozi: Munga. Ila: Munga bwato. Eng: Apple-ring acacia, Winter thorn. Ecology: Widespread ...
Acacia sieberana Mimosoideae
Development Authority (SIDA), Regional Soil Conservation Unit (RCSU), Nairobi, Kenya . Tech. Handbook No. 4. Appendix. 3. 199p. Tonga: Mumpangala. Lozi: Mukokoto. Eng: Paperback (Acacia) thorn. Ecology: An acacia with several variants, found ...
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African bush elephant (Loxodonta africana africana)
The trunktip has two prehensile protrusions Compare with the asian elephant! Jumbo and Tonga in Vienna Zoo. (Photo © Jutta Kirchner, Vienna Zoo) The african elephant is still under ... for the transfer of their elephant populations from Appendix I to Appendix II, all other elephant populations in Africa and Asia remain on CITES Appendix I. Webdesign by Aumpage Network Taxonomy How it ...
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