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WebMuseum: Momoyama Art
Oda's assassination, but his plans to establish a hereditary shogunate were foiled by Ieyasu, who established the Tokugawa shogunate in 1603. Architecture Two new forms of architecture were ... (alcove), shoin window (overlooking a carefully landscaped garden), and clearly differentiated areas for the Tokugawa lords and their vassals. Painting The most important school of painting in the ...
WebMuseum: Art of the Edo Period
Period Art of the Edo Period The Tokugawa shogunate of the Edo period gained undisputed control of the government in ... to the country; in large measure it was successful. The shogunate survived until 1867, when it was forced to capitulate because ... chose to depict figures from life outside the strictures of the Tokugawa shogunate, Bunjin artists turned to Chinese culture. The exemplars of this style ...
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