Results 1 - 10 from 383 for time scales in 0.243 sec.
CPC - Climate Weather Linkage: Atmospheric Blocking
On intraseasonal time scales the persistent weather extremes can last from several days up to a few weeks, often ...
CRU Information Sheet no. 2: The Causes of Climatic Change
Milankovitch cycles On time scales of a thousand years and longer, changes in the character of ... in inducing the shift from ice age to interglacial conditions on time scales of 10,000 to 100,000 years. But in order to ... human activity, for example – but the most significant factor at this time is believed to be the rising amount of greenhouse gases, such ...
soils resource paper
There is little realization that soils are tremendously dynamic at both temporal and spatial scales. However, terms such ... small spatial scales also, tend to change rapidly, whereas properties such as soil texture take decades to centuries to change. Soil formation can indeed function on a geologic time scale, ...
Introduction to Ecocomposites
Many time scales begin with the Stone Age, which led to the Bronze, Iron, Steel, Aluminum, ... /1998/980209.htm Northern Lights 12/00 Kleiner, A. and J. Dutton. 1994. Time to dump plastics recycling? Garbage 6(1):44-51 McLintock, F.A. and ... or comments. Last Updated: Monday, August 25, 2003 - 06:49 AM Pacific Time ...
GAIA Model Base MESOPUFF: Mesoscale Puff Model
Each puff may follow an independent trajectory, it has a different diffusion, different chemical ... may be modelled: sulphur dioxide, sulphate, hydrogen oxide, nitric acid and nitrates. It works with time scales of few days. The package includes a preprocessor for meteorological data and a post ...
U.S. Global Change Research Information Office
There is hope of extending the range of usable forecasts to time scales of seasons to years, and eventually decades, but it will require monitoring far more than ... continually monitor the near-surface temperatures of the Pacific. Extending forecasts to longer spans of time requires a knowledge of changes in a much longer list of environmental variables that include ...
U.S. Global Change Research Information Office
Since that time, a growing number of organizations in more than 100 countries have undertaken activities that ... only slowly. First, demographic change is of necessity a gradual process, that operates not on time scales of months or years, but of generations. In a world where policy makers are ...
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Information FOE Future Flight Geography World National Building Specification Think Energy Time Climate changes on all time scales because there are different mechanisms operating over different periods of times ... and modulated by changes in ocean circulation and atmospheric composition. Over the shortest time scales of centuries, decades and even individual years, global climate is influenced by ...
The ECLAT-2 Project: Introduction
Organiser: Dr ... other biological indicators. Specific topics to be covered will include the incorporation of different time-scales of climate variability in climate change scenarios, enhancing consistency between climate and impact models, ...
The Values Programme -
2003 - Values & Time
Values & Time programme, will include: What are the links between our values and time? How can companies and their value chains take different time-scales into account in their decision-making? How can society better value and represent the needs of future generations in today’s decision-making? How will internet time affect ...
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