Results 1 - 4 from 4 for tim hortons in 0.125 sec.
Trillium Elementary School's EarthCARE Program
Tim Hortons Community Project -On behalf of the Big EARS, Kathryn met with a Tim Hortons manager to ask for support in helping to build an awareness of environmental issues. Junior students are drawing posters that will be displayed at Tim Hortons. The messages are ...
Wet/Dry Program - a success
Tim Hortons, lancé le 22 avril 2002 à l'occasion du Jour de la Terre, s'avère une première au Canada alors que la Corporation et les restaurants Tim Hortons ont uni ... produits tels que : les boîtes de lait (2000), les espadrilles (2001), les tasses à café Tim Hortons (2002), les téléphones cellulaires (2002), les déchets électroniques (2004) l’implantation du Programme humide/sec ...
St. John's and the Avalon: Restaurants
Timothy's (across from Mile One Stadium), lots of Tim Hortons, and Wordplay (bookstore cafe). The Ship Inn also has coffee for $1.25 and allows ...
Food & Wine - Coffee, Italian Soda Syrups
Oz. Bag ~FLAVORED $6.50 Starbucks PEPPERMINT Syrup 2 bottles + PUMP + recipes $19.99 Tim Hortons Fine Grind Coffee! in US for Priority ship $0.99 Starbucks Coffee White Chocolate Mocha ...