tidal levels

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Results 1 - 10 from 153 for tidal levels in 0.281 sec.

INW - PT2X Submersible Smart Sensor
INW's AquiStarŽ PT2X is ideal for monitoring groundwater, well, tan and tidal levels, as well as for pump testing and flow monitoring. Constructed with 316 stainless steel, Viton ...

Australian Hydrographic Service - Seafarer Tides Patches
Port Giles, Broome, Jubilee Reef and Derby are corrupt and need to be replaced before Tidal Level and Zulu predictions are computed. The constituent files for Secondary ports Cape Ferguson, ... , Hillarys and White Rocks are corrupt and need to be replaced before any Tidal predictions and Tidal Levels are computed. Please unzip to the following default location: c:\program ...

Australian Hydrographic Service - Tidal Products
Torres Strait and Port Phillip Heads. Tidal stream diagrams for Sydney, Broome and Darwin. List of the main 22 harmonic constituents for all Standard and Secondary Ports. Tidal levels ... Other products are being planned include Australian Tidal Stream Atlas. The Tidal Stream Atlas will contain detailed information on the rates and directions of tidal streams in many locations around ... More from this site

Equity Watch - Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
Current global concentration levels stand at about 370 ppmv. A target of 550 ppmv is ... the report, could include energy harnessed from waves, undersea turbines powered by tidal waves, wind energy and even solar energy. The commission calls on ... an overall 5.2 per cent GHG reduction below the 1990 levels by 2008-2012 will not be met by developed countries, and ...

Freshwater Website: Informational Resources and Services (Glossary)
A cumulative increase in the concentrations of a persistent substance in successively higher levels of the food chain. biota - Collectively, the plants, microorganisms, and animals of a ... dominated by herbaceous vegetation. Marshes may be either fresh water or saltwater and tidal or non-tidal. megawatt - A unit of electricity equivalent to 1000 kilowatts. model - A simulation, ...

The Dolphin Institute - Resource Guide
Males display seasonal changes in their testosterone levels as well. Bottlenose dolphins have a twelve month long gestation period, and calves remain with ... both solitary and social feeding strategies. Some of these strategies include: strand feeding in the tidal creeks of South Carolina and Georgia, where dolphins pursue schools of mullet onto mud banks ...

U.S. Global Change Research Information Office
Some other energy technologies--such as nuclear power--as yet still require higher levels of investment and greater levels of skill to maintain them. Moreover, developing nations rightfully note that every ... of possible alternate energy sources is large: hydrogen (as in fuel cells), solar, geothermal, tidal, hydropower, wind, renewable biomass, and nuclear options are all available and should all be ...

EIA Kids Page - Energy from the ocean: tidal energy, wave energy
Ocean Energy Tidal Energy Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun, and the rotation of the earth. Near shore, water levels can vary up to 40 feet. Only about 20 locations have good inlets and a large enough tidal range- about 10 feet- to produce energy economically. The simplest generation system for tidal ...

Tidal Barriers - Option 10
However, thanks to the irresponsible behaviour of the worst polluters, both here and abroad, we know the world is condemned to a rapid rise in sea levels. We must protect our coastal cities, including London, against sea level rise, so we must construct some tidal ...

RNP: Renewable Energy Technology: Wave & Tidal
As the tide flows in or out, creating uneven water levels on either side of the barrage, the sluice is opened and water flows through low-head hydro turbines to generate electricity. For a tidal ...

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