throat pouch

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Walton Hall Nature Trail, quiz, hard
The beastie shown left does not actually occur on the nature trail but it ...

DayCreek Journal - April 5, 2005
LOUD Croak And then it happened... It's body filled with air and then its throat pouch inflated into a giant balloon. All at once...Ribbbbitttt! I couldn't believe it. This ...

National Geographic: Lewis & Clark—Animals—Double-Crested Cormorant
Umatilla River, Oregon. A solidly built black cormorant with orange throat pouch and long neck. Long hooked bill tilted upward when bird swims. In flight, the neck ...

Brown Pelican
Endangered Listed: October 13, 1970 Description: Large, silvery-brown sea-bird with massive bill and throat pouch, chestnut-and-white neck, and pale yellow crown (breeding plumage) Threats: Pesticides, human disturbance Overview ...

Salt Grass Flats - Double-crested Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant at Anahuac NWR on the Texas Gulf Coast The feathers of a ...

Salt Grass Flats - Neotropical (Olivaceous) Cormorant
Cormorant but slimmer, smaller and darker with glossy feathers. In breeding season, throat pouch is distinctively lined with white, pouch yellow brown or darker. Neotropical (Olivaceous) Cormorant Neotropical Cormorants are frequently seen ... More from this site

WWF - Orangutans
Adult males are distinguished by their large size, throat pouch and cheek pads on either side of the face. Orangutans travel about by moving from ...

Raven's Way Traditional School: Primitive skills and nature workshops, private and custom courses, trips, demonstrations, and school programs with Vince Pinto.
You'll learn how to help heal colds, throat infections, upset stomach, eye inflammations, joint pain, headaches, poison ivy rashes, sunburn, diarrhea, constipation, and ... , a mini-petroglyph, a deer willow figure, a basket, a walking stick, or a buckskin pouch, you'll seek new levels of creativity using what the earth provides. Of course, you ...

Marine Vertebrates -
Many marine birds dig into the sand for prey. Some have a distensible pouch such as those found in pelicans, frigate birds, and cormorants. This pouch is located between ...

Guide to West Virginia Amphibians and Reptiles
Pertaining to the lower surface. Vocal Sac: In male frogs and toads, an inflatable pouch in the throat or one of the inflatable pouches in the sides of the neck. Marshall Herpetology ...

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