Results 1 - 10 from 13 for term survivability in 0.348 sec.
Fish and Wildlife Service
HCPs. In order to provide sufficient incentives for ... other things, the extent to which the habitat of the affected species or its long-term survivability may be improved or enhanced. How do you monitor the HCPs that are in existence ...
Ecological Engineering Group
Hunter and Amory Lovins of the Rocky Mountain Institute say ... resources such as soil, groundwater, and biomass. (World Resources Institute) Before "sustainable architecture," the term "solar architecture" was used to express the architectural approach to reducing the consumption ...
GCC:Africa Predator Conservation Research Organization (APCRO)
Africa to allow for the gathering of scientific information that will increase the potential long-term survivability of native carnivores. Description The African Predator Conservation Research Organization consists of a diverse group ... current viability and health of the animals as well as evaluating their potential for long-term survivability.
Great Ape Trust donates $22K for orangutan and bonobo conservation
These are the first of our 2006 grants, and go to long-term partners whose work consistently exceeds goals and makes a real difference in the life of ... on the forest’s inhabitants and whether or not the logging ultimately threatens the long-term survivability of orangutans. The unique value of the Ketambe study is that it will occur in ...
BLM Response to Wild Horse Abuse Issue
BLM with managing wild horse herds in 10 western states. To ensure the long-term survivability of the herds, which have few natural predators and reproduce at a rate as high ...
Direct seeding - the natural solution for revegetating arid lands
Eden monitors the direct seeded species' germination and survivability in the farmers' fields. This data is of a different ... first rainy season's germination was 9.5%. The mean yearly survivability rates of these plants have so far been 51% the first ... Today 6: (3) 5-7. Le Houérou, H.N. 1981. Long-term dynamics in arid land vegetation and ecosystems of North Africa. Ch ...
Direct seeding by farmers - the natural solution to Sahel's problems
The young plants are registered yearly to provide data on their survivability. Changes in the soil level are monitored giving information about ... survivability rate in Eden's tests of the 9 species was 69% the first year and 87% the second year. The average survivability ... and in time of drought lessen dependence on food handouts. The term famine food often used by the western press is derogatory, ...
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Habitat Media - interview transcript
I've been convinced for years that the long-term industry has to move towards land-based farming. I think that's ... This is not particularly a benefit for the fish in terms of its survivability in the wild. In fact, if you think about it some more, ... fruit, or in a vegetable, has a tendency not to improve its survivability in the wild, but to make it less fit and then needs ...
Habitat Media - interview transcript
Are you creating Frankenfish? No. Frankenfish is a term that I think serves essentially no purpose in this in this area of complex ...
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Houghton's Goldenrod ESA
County, Michigan (Penskar 1989). If adequate conditions exist, transplantation in order to enhance the survivability of the species may be warranted. >== 5000 BIOL-MONIT-NEEDS Monitoring should assess ... for seed germination and establishment should also be studied (Penskar 1989). Detailed, long-term monitoring studies are needed in order to elucidate the colonization requirements and population ...