term navigable waters

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Freshwater Website: Informational Resources and Services (Glossary)
Traditionally, waters sufficiently deep and wide for navigation by all, or specific sizes of, vessels. ... word "streamflow" uniquely describes the discharge in a surface stream. The term "streamflow" is more general than the term "runoff", as streamflow may be applied to discharge whether or ...

PSGP: Puget Sound Environmental Organizations
Harbors Act of 1899 which prohibits the commencement of any work in traditional navigable waters of the United States without a permit from the Corps of Engineers. Section 404 ... incorporate environmental issues in the electoral process. WEAVE's integrated approach to developing long-term solutions includes our List Development Network, local skills trainings, the "Meet Your Legislator" and " ...

River Law: Who owns the rivers? River navigability law, for river access, river rights, river conservation, canoeing, kayaking, rafting, paddling, whitewater, and fly-fishing.
Federal courts use the term "navigable" in cases involving Admiralty Law and the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution. None of these other definitions of navigable ...

Orange County California, Introduction to the Stormwater Program
The 1972 amendments to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act prohibit the discharge of any pollutant to navigable waters ... and was intended to improve water quality incrementally over time. During the second permit term Orange County also invested heavily in parallel efforts to implement a watershed approach, a ...

Appleton Paper and NCR Corporation, which they call a "down payment" on the companies' long term liabilities. In exchange, they will not be sued for more for 4 years and the ... fish passages around barriers on rivers and streams. Will specifically address public rights issues on navigable waters with fish passages and describe cost-share programs. Also, info. on factors to consider and ...

Section Reporter - March 2006 -
Water Act requires permits for discharges into wetlands not currently connected hyrdrologically to navigable waters. Status: Oral argument held February 21, 2006. SEVENTH CIRCUIT In re Cinergy Corp., ... of dismissal of challenge to Corps rule defining term "discharge of dredged materials" to include all mechanized land clearing within regulated waters. Trade groups alleged that permit requirement for ...

Ministry of Environment - Water Stewardship Division
Application - apportionment [pdf] Application - approval (Section 9) Application - approval (Section 8, Short Term Use) Application - complete package [pdf] Application - notification Application Fees Application Refund ... Spatial Data Ministry of Forests and Range Library Monitoring and Reporting N Navigable Waters Non-Point Source Water Pollution Notification - Works in and about a stream ...

Ministry of Environment - Water Stewardship Division - Water Act, Section 8 "Short Term Use of Water"
Fisheries and Oceans Canada, under the Federal Fisheries Act and Navigable Waters Protection Act . The information on this web page is provided to assist you in ... Package for Multiple Sites The Water Stewardship Division (WSD) requires that a separate short-term use Approval application be filed for each water source. However, in unique circumstances where ... More from this site

Statement of Benjamin H. Grumbles, August 1, 2006 | Water | US EPA
CWA." Id. at 2220. Citing CWA Section 502(7) and 404(g)(1), Justice Scalia opined that "the Act's term 'navigable waters' includes something more than traditional navigable waters." Id. Then, after reviewing the statutory language, the plurality concluded that "waters of the United States," ...

Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: Flaws in Clean Water Restoration Act Exposed in Congressional Hearings
He claimed it would lead to a dramatic expansion of federal authority over wetlands from navigable waters to nearly anything that is wet. Both witnesses and Senators supporting the bill denied that it would be an expansion of power, despite the removal of the key modifying word "navigable ...

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