Results 1 - 10 from 53 for term leases in 0.533 sec.
Equity Watch Archives- Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre for Science
and Environment (CSE)
October 25, 2000 Carbon colonialism Northern companies sign cheap, long-term leases for land with East African governments, hoping afforestation activities to be a part of the ...
Equity Watch - Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre for Science and
Environment (CSE)
Northern companies are already acquiring large tracts of land on long term leases in Africa, where arable land is already in short supply, in the hope of making ...
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Montana Water Trust - Benefitting Landowners, Streamflows and Communities
Resources and Conservation for approval of water rights transfers. Transfer methods include: short and long-term leases, water rights purchases, dry year options, diversion reduction agreements, changes in points of diversion, development ...
Montana Water Trust - Benefitting Landowners, Streamflows and Communities
Short-term leases play a key part of MWT’s strategy for entering new project areas where establishing longer term agreements with landowners may be more challenging. Long-Term Leases Leases of five or more years provide a way of establishing long-term flow protection. For long-term leases ...
Habitat Media - interview transcript
It's not an improvement in the long term, in terms of sustainability - a much-overused word. But it's ... with local governments and national governments, either to get ownership or leases, long-term leases, over these lands. So they've cleared mangrove or they' ... not a simple picture of good and evil. But in the long term, I'd say that shrimp farming is going to prove to ...
PERC - The Property and Environment Research Center: Buy That Fish A Drink
Through leases, purchases, and donations, government agencies and private conservation groups acquired more than 6 ... has been limited. Transactions for instream flows in Idaho have been limited to short-term leases by state and federal agencies in order to meet Endangered Species Act requirements. ...
Post Carbon Newsletter #41 August 2008 | Post Carbon Institute
Community Farms Program of BC is collectively owned in public trust, long-term leases are assigned for local food production, and farmers are housed on the land. Agricultural activities ...
Education Info
However, over the years, use of the term to signify drainage basin or catchment area has come to ... actual amount of groundwater to be withdrawn, a withdrawal rate, a term certain for proposed withdrawals, etc. - similar to surface water contracts. ... needs. The bulk of these transfers are anticipated to involve leases of water and not the outright sale of water rights. However ...
An Office Building Occupant's Guide to Indoor Air Quality | Publications | Indoor Air | Air | US EPA
Some pollutants can cause both short and long term health problems. Prolonged exposure to environmental tobacco smoke can ... store and dispose of food as part of a long term control strategy. If a chemical pesticide is selected, it should ...
Short term lease
Department but to supplement funding for the program should a large number of leases become available or lean years occur, and provide leasing opportunities for landowner/operators that are ... to accept this type of short-term arrangement since it will allow them to design programs that are more adaptable to changing economic conditions. (Perpetual leases reduce flexibility). Also, the risk is ...
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