tenure systems

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Results 1 - 10 from 115 for tenure systems in 0.276 sec.

Wildlife Management Agriculture Sustainable Agriculture and Pest Control (Indonesia) Farming Systems Research and Extension (Zambia) The Landcare System in Barangay Ned (Philippines ... USA) Deforestation Encroachment and Indigenous Deforestation (Bolivia) Sources of Deforestation (Philippines) Land Tenure Systems and Land Conversion (Uganda) Perverse Economic Incentives and Deforestation (Brazil) ...

Topic Area: Deforestation
Each of these tenure systems has distinct characteristics. Agricultural land was most common in the customary land tenure ... look at the effects of different land tenure systems on land conversion. There were similar effects between public land and mailo land tenure, but customary tenure differed in that it had a ... More from this site

Predator Conservation Trust: Lion and Cheetah Introduction at Kalahari Game lodge
This shift in land tenure systems has created suitable habitat for many wildlife species, including large carnivores. This development has led ...

Ignorance Apathy Greed
Because of the tax and land-tenure systems. Why do we have those systems? Because special interests pay to legislate it. Why do special interests get ...

David Haenke - The North American Bioregional Congress
Neither is it necessary to seek official recognition of a formally established alternative ... ecology is a powerful tool for discriminating which human systems, chiefly including economics, technology, agriculture, politics and land tenure are sustainable under ecological law. Political ecology is ...

soils resource paper
Ownership, property regimes and the governing social and political systems       Although most commonly associated with private ownership, soils are at once private, state, ... any economic policies that affect these variables should be considered. Examples are: land tenure and ownership, access to credit, national currency value, provision of extension services, and ...

No Evolution Without Revolution (Do or Die)
It is hardly surprising therefore that beavers "directly [increase] faunal ... never easy to bring about anyway, is especially unlikely where grossly unequal land tenure and marketing systems ensure that a powerful minority will capture nearly all the benefits of any ...

The Regional Impacts of Climate Change
Because most of these strategies have high cost implications, existing economic constraints of African ... include changes in social structure-clear policies on land use, fortified by flexible land-tenure regimes, will be needed. Energy The impacts of climate ...

Water Harvesting Systems : Traditional Systems
Eris have played several important roles in maintaining ecological harmony as flood-control systems, preventing soil erosion and wastage of runoff during periods of heavy rainfall, and recharging ... inlets and irrigation channels. The early British rule saw disastrous experiments with the land tenure system in quest for larger land revenues. The enormous expropriation of village resources by ...

Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences - University of Houston
Ph.D.) degrees in Atmospheric Sciences. The Department presently includes 34 full-time tenure track faculty members and research faculty, 2 visiting assistant professor, 3 research ... Program Rock Physics Lab Institute of Multi Dimensional Air Quality Systems Mission-Oriented Seismic Program Petroleum Systems and Geochemistry Program Remote Sensing Facility Quantitative Sedimentology Lab Center ...

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