Results 1 - 10 from 594 for taken from the wild in 0.314 sec.
The Jane Goodall Institute
PPI Supports the ...
The Florida Panther Society, Inc.
Breeding has occurred at White Oak between females 204 and 208, and both males. No conceptions have occurred to date (summer 2001). Originally taken from the wild as kittens in 1991 and 1992, they are now at the end of their breeding years at the ages of 10 to 11 years old ...
The Raptor Foundation - Red-tailed Buzzard
Due to the very restrictive laws on falconry in America, the Red-Tail is very often a beginners bird, often taken from the wild as a young bird (a passage hawk) & re-released at the end of the 2 ...
Among the causes of death are trauma, pneumonia, and bronchopneumonia. A just two-year-old calf -- this dolphin, too, had been taken from the wild ...
The Hedghogz Home Page - Predators & Hazards
In my opinion, equally unjustifiable is the trade in wild hedgehogs as pets. Hedgehogs are taken from the wild ...
LIPU-UK -> Working in Britain for Birds in Italy - The Hoopoe
January 2000
LIPU investigators and Finance Guards. The birds had been unlawfully taken from the wild and after many had died from heat, lack of air and maltreatment, the remainder were to be sold at high prices for their singing qualities. Although the ...
Amphibian Articles - Substrate Mixtures for the Vivarium
Materials from the top layer, all the way to the bottom layer, where the leaf litter meets the ground, should be used in the natural vivarium. Simply put ... the growth of bacteria (Searcey, 2001). Coconut fiber is also more environmentally friendly than peat moss because it is harvested from farms, whereas peat moss is taken from the wild. Ground Palm Ground palm serves the ...
Naturenet: Wild Birds and the Law
WCA in line with the EC Birds Directive and makes it illegal to be in possession in the UK of any eggs or birds of any species taken from the wild in another Member State. Poultry or Game birds (see lists below) however are not included in the ...
Our history
Many were grown from seed in our nursery, others came from botanic gardens, research stations and supporters, mostly in Europe and the UK. Once established, the big ’uns in the ...
Eco-Index: Stories from the Field
Ramos: Some are taken directly to the zoo and received according to the zoo's capacity. The national zoo has also been increasing its capacity, especially in financial terms, and has allowed the ...
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