tad canister

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OCRWM - Waste Packages
Transportation, Aging and Disposal (TAD) canister. Under normal conditions, the rods will permanently remain in the TAD canister. The TAD will be ... canister within a canister" approach consisting of three containers - nested inside one another - to safely dispose of radioactive waste. First, the TAD canister that holds the waste will sit inside a stainless steel canister ...

OCRWM - Surface Facilities
U.S. Navy for disposal. Canister Receipt and Closure Facilities – The Canister Receipt and Closure Facility would receive all disposable canisters, except for naval ... pool of water in which spent fuel rods are removed from transportation casks, placed into TAD canisters and prepared for disposal or aging. Aging Pads Some of the waste canisters that ... More from this site