synthetic hormone

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Results 1 - 10 from 47 for synthetic hormone in 0.288 sec.

Our Stolen Future: Book Basics
Through a variety of mechanisms, hormone-disrupting chemicals (also known as endocrine disrupting chemicals or ... where people have been affected by endocrine disrupting chemicals, most notably the synthetic hormone dietheylstilbestrol (DES), to which several million women were exposed through misguided medical ...

Millions Against Monsanto Campaign - Organic Consumers Association
Facts: If you're talking about: Persecuting Small Family Farmers, Bovine Growth Hormone, PCBs, Agent Orange, Poisoning the Third World, Roundup Pesticide, Water Privatization, Genetically Engineered Crops ... of rBGH, a synthetic hormone banned (for health reasons) in every industrialized country other than the U.S. Monsanto, the number one producer of the rBGH synthetic steroid, sued Oakhurst ...

Our Stolen Future: New science about natural vs. synthetic compounds
Their argument fails on several grounds. First, it fails because much, but not all, of the exposure to synthetic hormone disruptors is not dietary. Their argument is irrelevant to non-dietary exposures. Second, it fails because it completely ignores the fact that many hormone disruptors interfere ...

Factory Farming | Farm Sanctuary
Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH), a synthetic hormone, is now being injected into cows to get them to produce even more milk ...

Dairy, Veal, Milk, Cruelty, Factory Farming | Mercy For Animals
Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH), a synthetic hormone, is now being injected into cows to get them to produce even more milk ...

Introduction: Breast Disorders: Merck Manual Home Edition
(NSAID). For certain types of severe pain, danazol Some Trade Names DANOCRINE (a synthetic hormone related to testosterone Some Trade Names DELATESTRYL DEPOTESTOSTERONE ) or tamoxifen Some Trade Names ... . Doctors examine the breast, looking for abnormalities. Mammography and blood tests to measure hormone levels may be performed. Computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of ...

Say No To GMOs! - October 2006
Leon Berbhiaume, general manager of the 500-farm cooperative. Six-farm Thomas Dairy of Rutland has always paid its farmers extra not to use the synthetic hormone ... the patented synthetic hormone. About one-third of the 9 million cows in herds today are treated with Posilac, according to Monsanto. The hormone simulates a naturally-occurring hormone -- bovine ...

Update on the Battle to Drive Monsanto's Bovine Growth Hormone off the Market
Kroger has banned the hormone from its store brand milk, as has Safeway. The hormone has been outlawed in the European Union, Canada ... that the synthetic hormone increases levels of IGF-1, a hormone that in some studies has been linked to increased breast and prostate cancer risk. Monsanto and the FDA say the hormone is safe ...

Our Stolen Future: Disruption of hormone systems other than estrogen
Now hormone disruptors have been shown to interfere with many more hormone systems (see below). The list keeps growing. With over 70,000 chemicals in commercial use today, the fact that synthetic hormone ...

Monsanto looking to dump bovine growth hormone | Rodale Institute
New York Times Report, Monsanto Corp. is trying dump its dubious recombinant bovine growth hormone (rbGH) business on the highest bidder. The reported move comes as more retailers and ... demands of customers, announce that they will stop carrying and producing (rbGH) milk. The controversial synthetic hormone artificially boosts milk production. Detractors say it’s hard on the cows and that itâ ...

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