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CRESLI Humpback photo gallery whale page
Clouds of buubles are used to corral prey surface lunge After blowing bubble clouds or circles, the whale would emerge in the midst of the bubble area. surface lunge surface lunge mouth closing lunge ...
CRESLI trip to the Great South Channel 2004
August 09, 2004 Habenero Falcon Mostaza Roswell Dracula Strike Fracture Fracture surface lunge surface lunge surface lunge surface lunge surface lunge surface lunge surface lunge Falcon surface lunge Beacon Fragment Falcon Click on a thumbnail image below from August 10, 2004 Draco ...
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Ocean Alliance - EDUCATION - Whale Education Kit
Almost in unison, the entire group of whales come up in a synchronized upward lunge. The ... or five other students in the center and give them names like rock, seaweed, boat, surface and sea floor. One student is the whale and the other is a shrimp. The ...
Sebile Baits
The walking action of this bait is further enhanced by ... trolling. By varying rod action, the bait can be made to lunge, dart, jerk, walk and do everything else in between. The position ... and go manner. The tail can actually break the waters surface while its head dips below, creating a realistic disturbance and attracting ...
Migration of the Southern Humpback Whales
If krill is centred near the surface of the water they use a method called lunge feeding. At high speed the whales lunge up from below breaking the surface with vast mouths agape; taking ... krill. The humpback, or two humpbacks working in tandem, will then spiral up to the surface in the centre of the bubbles, with mouths and upper belly fully extended, catching everything ...
Dinosaurs That Look like Seals
LIKE DINOSAURS? " Returning from a hunting trip, Orde-Lees, travelling on skis across the rotting surface of the ice, had just about reached camp when an evil, knob like head burst ... of him. The animal had tracked his shadow across the ice. It made a savage lunge for Orde-Lees with its mouth open, revealing an enormous array of saw like teeth ...
gray whale facts
This is not spyhopping. Many times the youngsters will lunge from the water like this to get a better look at us ... they occasionally will eat shrimp-like mysids or small fish at the surface. Thus the blubber they add during the summer feedings must provide ... mother above water. She may also assist the newborn to the surface for its first breath. The warmer waters of Mexico help newborns ...
Amphibian Articles - Amphibian Foods and Feeding Tips
Amphibians also capture food using several different methods. Frogs and toads usually lunge at moving prey, and with the exception of a few species, will overlook still, ... fruit flies, mosquitoes belong to the order Diptera. Many species deposit egg "rafts" on the surface of water (lower left illustration). The eggs hatch into mosquito larvae (upper left illustration), ...
Whale Photos and Dolphin Photos, Photographs of Cetaceans, Phillip Colla Natural History Photography
Humpback whale mother and calf photos. Humpback whale surface behavior photos. Humpback whale competitive group behavioral photos. Humpback whale photos, Megaptera novaeangliae, Underwater: Adults and Calves, Competitive Groups, Surface: Breach, Head Slap, Head Lunge ...
Orca Network Sightings Map
John Boyd (JB), Marine Naturalist, Western Prince * I tuned ... 4 whales spread out foraging, some pausing to tail lob, breach, lunge, and do full body rolls!! We got a good look at ... his whole back and head simultaneously, rather than roll at the surface like any respectable minke would. this gives him the appearance ...
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