sure enough the window

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Results 1 - 10 from 192 for sure enough the window in 0.504 sec.

The Canadian Peregrine Foundation -- St. Catharines home page
CIBC building (and the ground below) was covered in whitewash. I looked up, and sure enough, there was Constanza, tucked into a corner ledge of the CIBC building. At ... perch at times on the window ledges, giving occupants of the offices an incredible view of the birds. The female was also seen today atop the southeast corner of the Bell Canada building across the street. Nadine ...

Kind Planet Iguanas Of The Sanctuary
The Window's Not Enough They do not need the warmth of the Sun or his substitutes to bask in to become warm. Here I, Horace, sit on one of the Iguana Shelves lining the ... the Fool, or the Dog, she calls one Animal both, so we are not sure ...

Bicycle Fixation: The Curious Case of the Fifty-Dollar Bicycle
Rick to show me the damage. He lifted the frame into the light and showed me where to look. Sure enough, a U-shaped crack at the top, extending down into the ... the living room, looking out the window ...

The Canadian Peregrine Foundation -- Uptown Toronto home page
As I write this, the male has arrived outside my window. It is very easy to tell the two birds apart. Bonnie is larger than the male but the ... sure of what our visitor is, we suspected that it may be a Peregrine. Sure enough ...

Refrigerators & Freezers - Energy Choices at the Home
Make sure air can circulate around the condenser coils. Leave a space between the ... the Earth's protective ozone layer when released into the atmosphere. Return to Top Refrigerators and Freezers Tips Leave enough space between your refrigerator and the walls or cabinets so air can circulate around the ...

DayCreek Journal - May 12, 2002 - Wall-O-Meter on the Move
The post-and-beam frame is a must for this. The first step in raising the window frame is to attach a long 2 x 4 to the exterior and interior of the window frame. Make sure the ... the jack. The photo on the left shows the initial position of the jack as the frame is raised. The photo on the right shows the jack on top of the 6 x 6. It's just high enough to raise the window ...

DayCreek Journal - June 15, 2001
The windows were slightly larger than I was told and then there's the wood frame swelling factor. Sure enough, the window frame swelled up when the mortar was set in place and sure enough, the window just wouldn't fit. The window ... More from this site

Oceanarium, and when the door was opened Flipper could hear the noise and would swim to the window to see who had come to visit him. Sometimes the ... enough for transportation if he had to wait until the following Sunday on the 24th. Also on the 14th, WSPA received from IBAMA the official license to move the dolphin. The next day, January 15th, VOTEC confirmed the ...

Where has all the water gone?: Scene 1
She gets up, fetches a bucket of water, goes outside, and splash water on the plants. Her mother enters the room, comes to the window ... the careless way we do, I'm afraid there may not remain enough ...

What Is Healing Through Tourism At The Intibuca Bedn' Breakfast - The Garden Plaza
So they mount a new "Bring the tourists to My Country Campaign" with expensive televisions and media advertising. Sure enough the tourists come back, but they still get the same ... their spaces. Bank lines close just before they get to the window Their plane was overbooked and they were bumped from the flight The stewardess ran out of peanuts just before she got ...

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