Results 1 - 5 from 5 for superoxide dismutase in 0.433 sec.
WSU IEHS Faculty Profile for Ye-Shih Ho
The function of the prototypic antioxidant enzymes, which include three isoforms of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase, in protecting cells and animals against oxidant-mediated ... JD. Transgenic models for the study of lung antioxidant defense: enhanced manganese-containing superoxide dismutase activity gives partial protection to B6C3 hybrid mice exposed to hyperoxia. Am ...
CHAMP - Coral Disease Identification and Information - NOAA's Coral Health and Monitoring Program
Bacterial bleaching Banin E, Vassilakos D, Orr E, Martinez RJ and Rosenberg E (2003). 'Superoxide Dismutase Is a Virulence Factor Produced by the Coral Bleaching Pathogen Vibrio Shiloi.' Current Microbiology 46 ...
Screening of cowpea, bambara groundnut and AMARANTHUS germplasm for drought tolerance and testing of the selected plant material in participatation with targeted communities
(RWC); leaf water potential (LWP)) metabolism (enzymes of the anti-oxidative pathway: activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione reductase (GR) and ascorbate peroxidase (AP)); cell membrane stability (CMS); free proline concentration ...
Database Entry: Samambaia - Polypodium aureum, leucomotos, decumanum, Samambaia - Polypodium aureum, leucomotos, decumanum, Samambaia - Polypodium aureum, leucomotos, decumanum
L., et al. “Effects of Anapsos on the activity of the enzyme Cu-Zn-superoxide dismutase in an animal model of neuronal degeneration.” Methods Find. Exp. Clin. Pharmacol. 1997; 19 ...
Eden Again, Marshland Information - Bibliography, Water Quality & Pollution
Fish. New Haven, Connecticut: University of New Haven. 14. Alhassan, L.A.J. 1990. Phosphoglucomutase, Superoxide-Dismutase and Glucose-6-Phosphate-Dehydrogenase in Fish Collected from Iraq and Kuwait - a Comparative-Study ...