Results 1 - 10 from 109 for sulfur compounds in 0.250 sec.
volcanoes and climate
Volcanoes that release large amounts of sulfur compounds like sulfur oxide or sulfur dioxide affect the climate more strongly than those that eject just dust. The sulfur compounds are gases that rise easily ... carbon dioxide quickly dissolves in the ocean or is absorbed by plants. Consequently, the sulfur compounds have a greater short-term effect, and cooling dominates. However, over long periods ...
Columbia Plateau Clean Cities Coalition
CO, CO2, SO2, particulate matter (PM) and volatile organic compounds (VOC), and Helping to clean injectors, fuel pumps and fuel lines. These benefits ... to hydrocarbon dewpoint specifications; and a gas sweetening plant removes hydrogen sulfide and other sulfur compounds (when present). Natural Gas Market Natural gas is distributed throughout the United States ...
NEHA JEH Position on Global Climate Change
Aerosols formed from sulfur compounds, along with greenhouse gases, have been projected to combine with the current greenhouse ... ban on the production of chlorofluorocarbons and other halogenated compounds is resulting in decreased levels of certain greenhouse gases. Ozone-depleting compounds in the lower atmosphere apparently peaked in 1994 ...
SBR Technologies, Inc.
EXPERIENCE • BIOLOGICAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT • INNOVATIVE PROCESS DESIGN • EXPERT TESTIMONY EXPERIENCE WITH CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS EXPERIENCE: CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS At SBRT, we have conducted a tremendous amount of research and ... Plasticizers - Phthalates Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons Proteins Pulp and Paper Mill Effluents Pyridine Sulfur Compounds Carbon Disulfide Hydrogen Sulfide Mercaptans Sulfates ...
The Great Plains/Rocky Mountain HSRC - Nano-Scale Metal Oxide Particles as Reagents for Destruction and Immobilization of Hazardous Substances
This new technology is based on ultrahigh surface area metal oxides ... carried out. Adsorption and transformation of chlorinated hydrocarbons, phenols, and phosphorous compounds are being investigated. Status: Work has been done with nanoscale calcium oxide ...
Terms Beginning With "O"
Organophyllic: A substance that easily combines with organic compounds. Organotins: Chemical compounds used in anti-foulant paints to protect the hulls of boats and ships ... organizac waste; e.g., destruction of chemicals such as cyanides, phenols, and organic sulfur compounds in sewage by bacterial and chemical means. Oxidation-Reduction Potential: The electric potential ...
Specialized Services - Mining Effluent Technologies at CANMET-MMSL
T. thioparus. These compounds are 2,5 dimercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazole ... is temporarily stored in exposed locations prior to disposal in pits. The effect of these compounds on the tailings oxidation and various microbial populations are being assessed in field studies. For ...
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as a Transportation Fuel
LNG is also less than half the weight of water ...
Geothermal Energy
Geothermal plants emit 97 percent less acid rain - causing sulfur compounds than are emitted by fossil fuel plants. After the steam and water from a geothermal ...
Editorial: Fluoride Versus Sulfur Oxides in Air Pollution
Sulfur oxides are a major atmospheric contaminant ... airborne fluoride is far more harmful than sulfur oxides. Guinea pigs exposed to sulfur oxides continuously for one year at ... Sulfur compounds are associated with a general increase in the total white male mortalities (11). These authors were not aware that sulfur ...
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