Results 1 - 10 from 58 for successional species in 0.266 sec.
Biodiversity Conservation in Britain: Science Replacing
Many late-successional species ... late-successional species, as compared to the fast breeding, fast moving, often tolerant species of early successions such as grassland ('r-selected' species), ...
Plant Succession on the Colorado Plateau
These species recolonize the area and essentially prepare it for the invasion of later successional species. These later seral species may occupy the site for several hundred years until finally the climax species ...
Georgia Wildlife Federation
Georgia aster (Symphyotrichum georgianum or Aster georgianus) is such a species. It can exist in a variety of dry, ... light," says the FWS Assessment. "The species is a good competitor with other early successional species, but tends to decline when shaded by woody species. Populations can persist for some undetermined ...
Invasive Marine Algae of Hawaii
Based on anecdotal information, many weedy tropical species ...
Enteromorpha flexuosa
But it does not compete well with other successional species. In studies of disturbance and settlement, E ... pollution. Anti-fouling studies investigating control and/or eradication of fouling species identify these two species as serious pests in shipping and industrial areas. References Abbott, I ...
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Public Forests of Maryland
Most of our food supply comes from domesticated species of wild plants and animals, and many of our fruits, vegetables, and grains ... successional species - the types found in young forests. While we have an abundance of young forests in Maryland, and sufficient habitat for early successional species, old growth forests and habitats for late successional species ...
Pitcher's Thistle ESA
Stabilization of dune habitat by successional plants may be evident. Moderate fracturing of habitat due to development pressure, etc ... successional change via stabilization of the dunes. Fire was undoubtedly a major factor in forming the character of the lakeshore dunes in presettlement times by reducing or eliminating successional species ...
Facts About Threats .:. Southern Appalachian Forest Coalition
Pine plantations use fertilizers and herbicides, which eliminate many benefits for early successional species of wildlife and harm water quality. Direct regulations of forestry is limited. Instead we must ...
Service claims that logging is needed in the forest to encourage the growth of “early successional species” such as birch and aspen and to improve habitat and public access. Opponents note that ...
The CLEARWATER RIVER "Great Canadian Rivers"
The forest is a mixture of successional and subclimax plant communities. Tree species are relatively few in number, and include spruce, fir, pine and deciduous larch ... of decay. • Soil remains moist, promoting the growth of moss and lichens. Efficient Evergreens: Tree Species such as spruce and fir are ingeniously adapted to the taiga climate. The narrow, conical ...
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