styrofoam tray

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Results 1 - 3 from 3 for styrofoam tray in 0.135 sec.

Science Explorer: Super Sparker--make very tiny lightning anytime!
Styrofoam tray from your supermarket (ask at the meat or bakery counter for a clean, unused tray) masking tape aluminum pie tin Cut a piece off one corner of the Styrofoam tray ... tray upside down on a table or on the floor. Use the handle to pick up the pie tin. Hold it about a foot over the Styrofoam tray and drop it. Drop the pie tin onto the Styrofoam tray again. Touch ...

Container Herb Gardening
Crush the plant debris with your hands. Then elevate the tray slightly so the seeds will slide down, separate from the ... . Atop the flower presses and/or the hardware cloth shelves, styrofoam trays (from packaged meats) filled with materials can rest. Storage ...

Investigating An Ecosystem: The Seashore - Part 2
Hypothesis: Number 2 (flat square) is going to evaporate the fastest. Materials: tray, squeeze bottle of alcohol, 4 newsprint squares, pencil, notebook, clock Procedure: 1. Number the squares ... of water affects the rate of freezing. The children used crushed ice, rock salt and styrofoam cups to make mini-freezers. They placed 1/8 ounce of water and 1/4 ...