Results 1 - 3 from 3 for structural scarcities in 0.085 sec.
IELRC.ORG - Environment & Conflict Linkages: an Overview
E cological marginalization: Lack of access to resources caused by inequitable distribution forces populations to migrate to ecologically vulnerable areas (demand & structural scarcities leading to supply scarcities) Environmental scarcities ...
Now the rich must adjust
There has been worry that water scarcities could become dangerously acute. There are signs that the modern world's love affair with ... decades the world's financial institutions - and the industrial nations that control them - have prescribed structural adjustment to poor countries, who have had little choice but to take this medicine to ...
Text Only Building a Just and Caring World
Neither centrally planned ... system - where it is primarily motivated by fear and the artificial creation of scarcities through wars and misallocations and misdistributions of resources. It gives work what we ...