strong bill

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Why do we need a strong Climate Bill? - Friends of the Earth Scotland
Bill? Training Days Radiohead Launch Advice & Resources Take action Local Groups News Jobs & volunteering Contact us Home > Campaigns > Big Ask Scotland > Why a strong Bill? Why do we need a strong Climate Bill ...

Isn't there already a UK Climate Change Bill? - Friends of the Earth Scotland
Scotland Mini roadshow Why a strong Bill? Asks Take Action Isn't there a UK Bill? Training Days Radiohead Launch Advice & ... strong UK Climate Bill. However, there is now a Scottish Climate Change Bill just starting to make it's way through Holyrood. This will work in addition to the UK Bill ... acheived through a strong climate legislation, so that's why it's worth fighting for a strong Bill here. JOIN US ... More from this site

Friends of the Earth: Ask your MP to support a strong Climate Change Bill
Bill. Before the Bill becomes law - MPs will have a chance to have their say. They can suggest amendments to improve the Bill. A strong Climate Bill We would like MPs to reaffirm their commitment to a strong Climate Bill. One easy ... them today, to ask them to demonstrate their support for a strong Bill. It's a three step process: Find your local ...

Governor Vetoes Ports Bill SB 927
The bill, SB 927, by state Sen. Alan Lowenthal, would have saved lives and promoted a strong ... burden on taxpayers. “The governor is saying the bill failed to coordinate a private-public partnership. But ... agencies, and environmental groups were all united behind this bill. Instead of supporting this broad coalition, and the best ...

Printed Matter -- Bill Holm -- Page
Bill Holm -- Page 'Coming Home Crazy' describes adventures in China June 25, 1995 Elisabeth ... and social. Loretta lent me a copy of "Coming Home Crazy" by Bill Holm (Milkweed Editions, Minneapolis, 1990), a collection of essays by an American ... case of culture shock in a relatively short time. Poverty, over-crowding, strong, strange odors, a culture that emphasizes the group rather than the individual ...

IMBA News: Action Alerts: California Wilderness Bill Moving Forward (02-23-04)
House Resources Committee, to delay action on the Northern California Wilderness bill until suitable compromises are reached to accommodate mountain biking. The Northern California Coastal ... in the bill, but for one-quarter of the areas under consideration, Congress should consider alternative land designations that protect natural areas while preserving bicycle access. Strong environmental ...

IMBA News: Action Alerts: California Wilderness Bill Finally Introduced - It's Time to Write Letters! (06-14-02)
Areas of Strong Conflict For almost 20 percent of the areas in the bill, boundary adjustments will not suffice. Wilderness designation would eliminate significant bicycling opportunities. The bill would prohibit ... and southern Sierras, and north and east of Los Angeles. For these areas of strong conflict, IMBA endorses other land management designations that provide significant protection, such as ... More from this site

ACTION ALERT: 2007 Farm Bill: Call Senate Ag Committee Members Klobuchar & Coleman to Restore Open Competition, Fair Markets & Healthy Rural Communities
We need strong, comprehensive competition reform in the 2007 Farm Bill to restore balance, equity and opportunities for independent livestock producers and ... on them. Congress has a choice. It can choose to champion a strong Livestock Title in the 2007 Farm Bill and begin returning balance to agricultural markets. Or — it can stand ...

marine bill - an introduction
Marine Conservation Zones. Read the full statement from MCS. plus See Gordon Brown's reply to a Marine Bill ... Shaw Minister with responsibility for the Marine Bill, stated that a Draft Marine Bill will be published "early next year ... Marine Bill to Tony Blair at No 10 Downing Street. the marine bill marine bill - an introduction marine bill documents ...

Senate OKs bill to preserve land near Appalachian Trail - PennEnvironment
State Rep. Robert Freeman (D., Northampton). "I'm very pleased with the overwhelming ... , a Philadelphia-based advocacy group that has been lobbying for the bill's passage. Its "overwhelming bi-partisan support" sends "a strong message about the importance of the trail," said David Masur ...

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