street gutter

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Results 1 - 10 from 30 for street gutter in 0.296 sec. :: The Online Rainwater Harvesting Community
Rain gutter screens remove most of the larger debris from the water. A ... the excess can be disposed by gravity automatically to the nearest street gutter. You can eliminate some sensors and electronics here. Answer: The tanks ... . So I installed two units. The first one is near the street and is a High Hazard unit as required by the city. ...

Jean-Michel Cousteau Addresses 4th Intl. Marine Debris Conference - Speech Transcripts
Proper disposal of waste motor oil (not pouring it into your street gutter!), and purchasing products that do not involve the production, use or release of toxic chemicals ...

How you can help salmon - sidewalk & driveway
Don't wash brushes or painting equipment in the street or driveway. Dispose of paint, rinse water, and soapy water responsibly. ... ... and garden hoses just wash the litter and dirt into the gutter and then into our streams. Tune your car regularly. Tuneups ... :: The Online Rainwater Harvesting Community
However, we forgot to include the width of the gutter (we'd later install) when determining the ideal length of roof overhang so now (with the gutter installed) a bit more of the winter sun is shaded than ... with native vegetation, and harvesting street runoff within curbside mulched basins to grow a greenbelt of street trees along the public right-of ...

Orange County California Watershed
Do not dump washwater onto your driveway, sidewalk, street, gutter or storm drain. Excess washwater should be disposed of in the sanitary sewers (through a ... spills and waste material from reaching storm drains. Never pour oil or antifreeze in the street, gutter or storm drains. Recycle these substances at a service station, HHWCC, or used oil ...

Orange County California Watershed
For emergencies dial 911. Never dispose of household hazardous waste in the street, gutter, or storm drain. Leftover household products that contain corrosive, toxic, ignitable, or reactive ... Chemicals Tips for household hazardous waste: Never dispose of household hazardous waste in the street, gutter or storm drain. Keep these materials in closed, labeled containers and store materials ... More from this site

Good Housekeeping Tips for Painters
Once paint residue enters the storm drain system, it flows directly to ... ocean. General Best Management Practices Keep all liquids, paint products and wastes away from the street, gutter and storm drains. Liquid residues from paints, thinners, solvents, glues and cleaning fluids are hazardous ...

BMPs for Landscaping and Gardening
Never clean brushes or rinse paint containers into a street, gutter or storm drain. For oil-based paints, paint out brushes to the extent possible. Clean ... covered area to prevent runoff. Do not blow, sweep, hose or rake leaves into the street, gutter or storm drain. in communities with curbside yard waste recycling, place clippings and pruning waste ... More from this site

Home Maintenance & Remodeling Avoid cleaning brushes or rinsing paint containers in the street, gutter or near a storm drain. For latex paint, rinse brushes in the sink. Filter and ... working with concrete, cement, or mortar, prevent materials from blowing or flowing to a driveway, street, or storm drain. When excavating and landscaping, protect dirt piles from wind and rain. Yard ...

Store Materials Safely: Keep construction materials and debris away from the street, gutter and storm drains. Cover exposed stockpiles of soil, sand or gravel and excavated material ... Maintain and refuel vehicles and equipment at a single location on-site, away from the street, gutter and storm drains. Perform major equipment repairs and washings off-site. Inspect vehicles and ... More from this site

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