stream channel

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Results 1 - 10 from 255 for stream channel in 0.250 sec.

Freshwater Website: Informational Resources and Services (Glossary)
The channel of a river or stream and those parts of the adjacent floodplain adjoining the channel that are required to carry and discharge the ... , hydrogen, and oxygen, as in living things. instream use - Uses of water within the stream channel, e.g., fish and other aquatic life, recreation, navigation, and hydroelectric power production. integrated ...

kvlt : news : press release
One easement will be on the Catawba River and the other on a perennial stream channel flowing into Lake Wylie. Crescent is designating areas in both states to convey to local ... committing a half million dollars to reimburse other landowners who establish conservation easements along perennial stream channels on their property in the Catawba River basin. It is estimated this amount will ...

McDonnell's Hillslope and Watershed Hydrology Lab, Oregon State University
How long does it reside in the watershed? What pathway does it take to the stream channel? Our group conducts field, lab and modeling investigations combining hydrometric and tracer-based techniques with ...

Terms Beginning With "I"
Also reduces the threat to public health ... schools, libraries, hospitals, prisons, etc. Instream Use: Water use taking place within a stream channel; e.g., hydro-electric power generation, navigation, water quality improvement, fish propagation, recreation. ...

Envision Environmental Education - Milford Custom Simulator
The perched creek loses water to ... drains out of the Creek bed through the finer layered material into the buried stream channel and then moves horizontally and then vertically to the Springs discharge point (red dye ...

Enjoy a roughly three-quarter mile hike up the glacial Wosnesenski River with stream crossings across the river. Bring sleeping bags, breakfast, lunch, ingredients for a BBQ dinner ... colliding tectonic plates, folds & faults, volcanoes, massive advancing and retreating glaciers, coastal erosion and stream channel processes have all interacted to form the landscape and scenery visible from the beach ...

Channel comparison

Stream Dynamics, an essay by Naturalist William Hudson.
Water that infiltrates into soil or ground water layers tends to be released slowly back into the stream channel. This keeps the stream from ... these features to the stream are erased. If a stream encounters a layer of bedrock and cannot degrade, energy is forced outward, and the channel widens. This effect causes the stream channel in normal ...

Groundwater Glossary: The Groundwater Foundation
The entrance of a portion of the streamflow into the channel materials to contribute to groundwater replenishment. Permeable/Permeability: Capable of transmitting water (porous rock, ... , agriculture, and recreationists. Watershed: The land area from which surface runoff drains into a stream, channel, lake, reservoir, or other body of water; also called a drainage basin. Water table: ...

Annenberg Channel -- License
Local broadcast signal (give channel number): ____________ ___ Broadband Internet stream ___ Other (specify):________________________ Rebroadcast via: ___ Cable (give provider name and channel number ... to you for your file. Annenberg Media Attn:Channel Licenses 1301 Pennsylvania Avenue NW #302 Washington, DC 20004 Channel info: 800-228-8030 http:// ...

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