Results 1 - 10 from 115 for storm surge in 0.208 sec.
NWI Values of Wetlands for Flood and Storm Surge Attenuation
Values of Wetlands for Flood and Storm Surge Attenuation Wetland Functions: Flood Storage and Storm Surge Attenuation Wetlands provide many functions that are valued by people. These functions (and their values) ... is so valuable that some states are restoring wetlands in coastal areas to buffer the storm surges from hurricanes and tropical storms. Wetlands at the margins of lakes, rivers, bays, and ...
GLERL/Sea Grant: Great Lakes Storms Photo Gallery - Seiches, Storm Surges and Edge Waves
Huron Storm Surge (July 13) 2000 Lake Erie Storm Surges(December 17-18) 2001 Lake Erie Seiche and Storm Surge (September/October) 2001 Great Lakes Storm Surges (October 25) 2001 Lake Superior Storm (November 26-27) 2002 Mid-Lake Wind Event with Storm Surges (March 10) 2003 Storm Surge (November ...
Holland Island Preservation Foundation
Hurricane Isobel. Our wharf was totally destroyed and the storm surge went through the only house left on the Island. 60 percent of the trees that ...
Monthly summary for August 1999
CNN Aug 22: The Texas Gulf Coast braced Sunday for the first hurricane of the Atlantic season -- Bret, a powerful, slow-moving storm ... remains far from land - CNN Aug 23: 16 fishermen killed in Senegal storm, many missing - CNN (Africa) Aug 23: Storm hits Senegalese fishing fleet - BBC (Africa) Aug 23: Hurricane flood warnings - ...
"Rita" - two major hurricanes in one month's time. Lost to the ravages of the storm and resulting floodwaters were whole fishing villages, rice and sugarcane fields, shrimping ports, ranches, pasturelands ... trees. Coastal habitat was destroyed. Saltwater from the Gulf of Mexico raced inland from the storm surge and freshwater species died as a result. There was nothing to stop the waves from ...
PISCES - Florida Everglades
... coral accumulation (spurs) separated by sand (grooves) that form in the direction of prevailing waves. storm surge - water pushed to the shore by the force of tropical storms or hurricanes, resulting in ...
Waves and Hurricane Winds: Florida Environment Radio
Hear how they're Rethinking Hurricane Models in today's Florida Environment... New research on hurricane winds and waves may provide more accurate storm forecasts. ... meteorologist Mark Powell headed the effort which demonstrated that the ocean surface of a storm sees higher winds than existing models allowed for... fe30328 From a hurricane research project ...
Birds - Hurricane Wilma
As commonly happens on Sable Island, storm surge associated with the hurricane caused extensive flooding of the beaches. ... Ponds on the 31st, had not been sighted before the storm, but could have been missed. However, this species is uncommon on ... surveyed (e.g. terns and gulls) - the actual numbers of storm-driven birds on Sable Island was no doubt far greater. ...
Living on Earth: Louisiana Storm Protection (Special Series)
Industrial Canal that was overtopped and flattened by Katrina's storm surge. The force of the storm shattered much of the concrete wall that topped the steel sheet-piles. (Photo ... against future storms. A Checkered Past For decades, New Orleanians placed their trust in a storm defense system that, 40 years since its construction, was still not completed when Hurricane Katrina ...
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