Results 1 - 10 from 10 for sterna maxima in 0.212 sec.
Wilma_Birds_4a On October 29th, a single Royal Tern Sterna maxima, was sighted in amongst Common Terns on the north side of west spit. There are ...
Coastal and Pelagic Birds of Long Island
Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) - an uncommon winter visitant most often seen at Montauk. Caspian Tern (Sterna caspia) - the largest tern species in North America, this bird is an occasional spring ... in Great Lakes region. Royal Tern (Sterna maxima) - a regular fall migrant along the south shore. Particularly reliable at Shinnecock and Mecox Bays. Roseate Tern (Sterna dougalii) - a common breeding bird ...
CRESLI checklist of Marine Mammals, Sea Turtles and Pelagic Birds
Kittiwake) Rhynchops niger (Black Skimmer) Sterna caspia (Caspian Tern) Sterna forsteri (Forster's Tern) Sterna antillarum (Little Tern) Sterna dougallii (Roseate Tern) Sterna maxima (Royal Tern) Sterna hirundo (Common Tern) Sterna paradisaea (Arctic Tern) Stercorarius parasiticus (Parasitic ...
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Newnan's Lake photos, 2000
... 13 May 2000 Black-headed Gull (1st winter) Larus ridibundus 25 April 2000 Royal Tern Sterna maxima 2 May 2000 Introduction | Index
Appendix Table : Summary checklist of the birds of the Gulf of Guin
LARIDAE Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus - - - - ? Sabine's Gull Larus sabini - - - - ? Royal Tern Sterna maxima V - - - ? Sandwich Tern S. sandvicensis - - M - Common Tern S. hirundo V ? ? - ... Kingfisher Corythornis leucogaster R* R* - - Malachite Kingfisher C. cristata - - R* - Giant Kingfisher Megaceryle maxima V - - - Pied Kingfisher Ceryle rudis R ?(B) V - MEROPIDAE Blue ...
Sterna fuscata Charrán Fuliginoso (Sombrío) Sooty Tern Sterne Fuligineuse V Chlidonias hybridus Fumarel Cariblanco Whiskered Tern Guifette Moustac V Chlidonias niger Fumarel Común Silabalaba Black Tern Guifette Noire MP Sterna maxima Charrán Real Royal Tern Sterna Royale V COLUMBIDAE Treron australis Paloma Verde Ebekabeká, ...
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Birds List
Larus michahellis Larus glaucoides Larus marinus Rissa tridactyla STERNIDAE Gelochelidon nilotica Hydroprogne caspia Sterna maxima Sterna bengalensis Sterna sandvicensis Sterna dougallii Sterna hirundo Sterna paradisea Sternula albifrons Chlidonias hybridus Chlidonias niger Chlidonias leucopterus ALCIDAE Uria aalge Alca ...
Bird List
Sterna sandvicensis Sandwich Tern Common: migrant & winter A Sterna maxima Royal Tern Vagrant A Sterna bengalensis Lesser Crested Tern Occasional migrant A Sterna hirundo Common Tern Common migrant A Sterna dougallii Roseate Tern Local Vagrant A Sterna ...
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Range: Ecuador (Galapagos Islands) Synonyms: 21 Sterna elegans Elegant tern Synonyms: 6 Sterna forsteri Forster's tern Synonyms: 2 Sterna fuscata Sooty tern Synonyms: 1 Sterna maxima Royal tern Synonyms: 17 Sula dactylatra Masked ...
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Chickadee Poecile atricapilla Common loon Gavia immer Downy woodpecker Picoides pubescens Arctic tern Sterna paradisaea Canada Goose Branta canadensis maxima Great blue heron Ardea herodias Osprey Pandion haliaeius Peregrine falcon Lepisma saccharina ...