Results 1 - 10 from 57 for sterile seeds in 0.290 sec.
Terminated: The UN Upholds a Moratorium on Terminator Seeds
Brazil. Terminator refers to the genetic engineering of plants to produce sterile seeds. The six-year UN moratorium was under serious threat at the CBD meetings, due ... lured by potential massive profits, the seed industry never did abandon the idea of commercializing sterile seeds. D&PL intends to commercialize the technology and is currently conducting Terminator testing in ...
International News on Genetic Engineering in Agriculture - 1999/05/01
If crops produce sterile seeds, farmers must buy new seeds at the next planting. For Monsanto, Thursday's announcement ...
International News on Genetic Engineering in Agriculture - 1999/02/16
This violates the millenary rights of these communities, which have been recognised by the ... genetic expression such as the so-called "Terminator" technology but also others which will produce sterile seeds and have no other objective than to consolidate monopolistic power of the global seed ...
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Say No To GMOs! - March 2006
The technique is officially known as genetic use restriction technology (Gurt), making crops produce sterile seeds. It could be applied to any crop, including maize and rice, widely grown in developing ... and the Delta Pine and Land Co, it makes seeds sterile so they cannot be cropped and resown. Before they are sold, seeds are treated with a compound which activates a gene introduced ...
Say No To GMOs! - May 2007d
Canadian Parliament today. Terminator refers to plants that are genetically engineered to render sterile seeds at harvest - a technology that aims to maximize seed industry profits by preventing ... into law because genetic seed sterilization is dangerous and blatantly anti-farmer - suicide seeds threaten to intensify corporate control over Canadian agriculture and offer no benefits for farmers ...
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Genetically Modified Foods: Harmful or Helpful?
Farmers would need to buy a fresh supply of seeds each year. However, this would be financially ... Rockefeller Foundation President Gordon Conway, Monsanto announced it will not pursue technologies that render seed sterile ( back to article Japan to bring ...
Suicide Seeds - Terminator
Terminator is a specific GURT which renders seeds sterile in the second generation. RAFI (The Rural Advancement Foundation International) is an international ... the impact of intellectual property on farmers and food security. Click here for Primal Seeds explanation and impacts of Terminator technologies For more information, contact: Julie Delahanty, RAFI ...
hybrid vs open pollinated seeds
Hybrid seeds Hybrid seeds are the first generation offsprings of two distant and distinct parental lines of the same species. Seeds taken from a hybrid may either be sterile or ... sacrifice disease resistance where pesticides are available. Reliance on these seeds enforces the use of chemical inputs. Hybrid seeds and their required fertilisers, pesticides and irrigation systems have trapped ...
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GeneWatch UK - Terminator technology - Sterile seed to prevent farmers using saved seed
GeneWatch UK - Terminator technology - Sterile seed to prevent farmers using saved seed Search Home About GeneWatch GM Crops and Food ... Terminator Technology. Gives information on action you can take. Resources Briefings Say No to Suicide Seeds 20th November 2006 Why Terminator technology won't prevent GM contamination 14th March 2006 Briefing ...
Chloris gayana
Seeds 3.3–4.4 million per kilogram (Reed, 1976). Germplasm Reported from the African Center ...
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