stations the fcc

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Results 1 - 10 from 18 for stations the fcc in 0.322 sec.

New Rules Project - Information Sector - Microradio - Low Power Radio
To make room for the new micro-stations the FCC eliminated the long-standing third adjacent channel protection, meaning that now microradio stations can operate on a frequency three channels away from an existing station. The FCC ...

New Rules Project - Information Sector
FCC to reverse a ruling that freed up unlicensed spectrum for use by community networks. Earthlink is a service provider that cannot get access to the cable and phone pipes in the ... recall the history of cable access. Franchise agreements directed substantial resources to some local access stations over the years. However, these resources have not grown proportionally with the growth in the ... More from this site

FCC Rules for CB Radio
{F} The FCC will not assign any channel for the private or exclusive use of any particular CB station or group of stations. {G} The FCC will not assign any channel for the private or exclusive use of CB stations transmitting single sideband or AM. RULE 8 - Antenna Height {A} "Antenna" means the radiating ...

Many of these stations, even from thousands of miles away, will sound like they are in your back seat. Most of the stations ... the radio a good source of information on a national scale. This oversight probably has the FCC ...

FCC Compliance - New Hampshire Public Television
FCC Compliance - New Hampshire Public Television FCC Compliance The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires broadcast stations to maintain certain information and make that information available to the public. Our public file is maintained at the ...

Common Ground-U.S.A.'s Letter Lobby Campaigns
FCC's ruling to raise to 45% the limit that one company's TV stations can reach of the ... the FCC considers changes to the rule designed to prevent common ownership of a TV station and a newspaper in a single community (broadcast cross-ownership), and of the cap limiting the ...

Media Priorities
TV stations. This is the Media Ownership Act of 2007 (S. 2332) where the FCC made a token attempt to receive public comment on this issue and despite questioning by Congress on whether they even listened to the ...

Broadcasting law
FCC eliminated the newspaper-broadcast cross-ownership ban and the television-radio cross-ownership ban. ** FCC ORDER OVERTURNED in Prometheus Radio Project v FCC. From the Prometheus Press Release: "The court's decision in this case requires the FCC ...

NADP Pluvio/RMM - OTT Meteorological Stations - HACH ENVIRONMENTAL
FCC regulations is required for bluetooth serial adaptor installation. Hach Environmental does not imply acceptable wireless transmitter certifications for countries other than the US under the FCC ...

Tom Johnson on The Paula Gordon Show
The FCC could once again regulate the peopleās airwaves. They might also halt the massive station ownership consolidation that has silenced the voices of local communities. The FCC could require radio and television stations to serve the ...

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