Results 1 - 10 from 28 for sprawling suburbs in 0.219 sec.
IC35 - Designing A Sustainable Future
Cities of Exuberance by Sarah van Gelder Strategies for transforming cities and their sprawling suburbs, with a focus on the tie between transportation and land use, plus a sidebar on ...
Community design
Cities of Exuberance by Sarah van Gelder Strategies for transforming cities and their sprawling suburbs, with a focus on the tie between transportation and land use, plus a sidebar on ...
Smart Growth and Sprawl
North America's urban growth patterns to encourage restoration of existing urban centers, reconfiguration of sprawling suburbs into communities of real neighborhoods and diverse districts, conservation of natural environments and preservation of ...
CGF: News: Our Endangered Farmlands
When farmland is replaced with single-use, low-density sprawling suburbs, habitat and open space are also lost forever. Poorly planned, sprawling, auto-centered development has many negative consequences that degrade the quality of life for the people in urban areas. As taxpayers move out to the fringe suburbs, ...
What does an architect have to do with Red Hill Valley?
We are destroying much of the Red Hill Valley to move cars to sprawling suburbs on the east mountain. We make car movement a priority on our one-way streets ...
Let's Take a Stroll, You and I
Visits with my daughter in Paris provide a far happier picture of urban living. Strolling ... even western motowns are laying new lines: Dallas citizens have voted to bond new streetcars; sprawling Phoenix is planning for rail in 2008. Add to these, a host of other car ... Coahuila Directory - Coahuila Hotels, Restaurants, Tours, Activities - Coahuila, Mexico
The outskirts of the city are quite different in both look and feel with sprawling suburbs and major industrial plants. In late July each year the city holds its annual cultural ...
NAON Chapter 14 - Sustainability in the Wild West
The land use assumptions were part of their package – the idea that Australian cities ...
Sprawl Guide: Solutions (Creating a Sense of Place)
City Comforts, David Sucher's excellent book sets out a ...
Brownfields Rochester | new links | resources brownfields |
Contaminated and abandoned properties exist in big cities, small towns, sprawling suburbs and the country side. Left untouched, brownfields pose environmental, legal and financial burdens on a ...
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