Results 1 - 10 from 196 for spotted tail in 0.293 sec.
Dolphin Care UK -
Length (metres): Males are 1.9 - 2.6m, ... and crustaceans Behaviour: They are very agile and highly active, often spotted tail-spinning and somersaulting as well as breaching to spectacular heights ( ... in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. They have even been spotted in the English channel, and off the Cornish coast. They ...
Spotted Salamander - Ground Amphibian
Like many other salamanders, they too will secrete a noxious, milky poison from glands ... Angel Falls You may also like... Spotted Quoll The Spotted Quoll, also known as the Spotted Tailed Quoll or Spotted Quoll is the second largest marsupial... Spotted Scorpionfish The spotted Scorpion fish lives in coral reefs ...
Spot-tailed Quoll
Queensland through to Victoria and Tasmania. It is distinguished from all other quolls by its spotted tail. Since the arrival of Europeans in Australia, its distribution has been greatly reduced. Land clearance ...
Briefing - mining impacts and the Metropolitan catchments
These pristine catchments are home to 40 threatened animals and 26 threatened plants, including the Spotted-tail Quoll and contain the largest koala population south of Sydney. They cradle significant rainforest and ...
EEK! - Critter Corner - Blue-spotted Salamander
The mole salamanders (blue-spotted, spotted and tiger salamanders) spend most of their time underground. They also give off a foul-tasting sticky secretion from glands near the tail base. The secretion serves as a defense against predators. The blue-spotted salamander is slender with dark blue-black coloring. ...
DPIW - Spotted-tail Quoll
Spotted-tail Quoll Advanced Search Home | About Us | Feedback | Help | Site Map Home > Native Plants & Animals > Wildlife of Tasmania > Mammals > Carnivorous Marsupials and Bandicoots > Spotted-tail Quoll Spotted-tail QuollDescriptionThe spotted ...
Margay,Spotted Margay Cat,Margay Spotted Wild Cat
Jaguar Jaguarundi Jungle Cat Kodkod Leopard Leopard Cat Lion Little Spotted Cat Lynx, Eurasian Lynx, Canadian Lynx, Spanish Marbled Cat Margay Ocelot Pallas Cat Pampas Cat Panthar Rusty-Spotted Cat Sand Cat Serval Snow Leopard Tiger Chinese Desert Cat ... is so long because they are arboreal and use their long tail for balance. Like most cat species, they have black ears ...
Pachytriton (Boulenger, 1878) Paddle Tail Newts
Pachytriton (Boulenger, 1878) Paddle Tail Newts Pachytriton labiatus (Unterstain, 1930) Spotless Paddle Tail Newt Pachytriton brevipes (Sauvage, 1876) Spotted Paddle Tail ...
LINK EXCHANGE SPOTTED LIONS Lion cubs are spotted or rosetted for camouflage. They normally lose their ... missed seeing a spotted lion, apparently arriving a single day too late. Spotted lion skin from 1931 Gandar Dower's book "The Spotted Lion" ... long (nose tip to base of tail), and a large leopard is 4 feet long, an adult spotted lion would be about 4 feet ...
Pantropical Spotted Dolphin (Stenella attenuata) - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
Coastal spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata graffmani) are a subspecies of the pantropical spotted dolphin and are managed as a separate stock. Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) are another species of spotted dolphin ... spotted dolphins are also distinguished by a dark "cape" or coloration on their backs stretching from their head to almost mid-way between the dorsal fin and the tail ...
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