Results 1 - 10 from 585 for spent hours in 0.478 sec.
Committee Working on New Regulations to Eliminate Liquidation Harvesting
Comments by some members at the beginning suggested they were putting in the meeting hours but not acting with the same level of "good faith" as others. Even those with ... to hire a forester if they don't want to." On Oct. 28, the committee spent hours discussing the draft bill and harvest planning and forest stocking standards. There were sharp differences ...
Bicycle Fixation: The Curious Case of the Fifty-Dollar Bicycle
I turned to my most trusted bike-style advisor, the internet. I spent hours ogling or hissing at bikes all over the net. Rattle-canned, ... trouble getting my mind around what had suddenly transpired. Just a few hours ago I was on the verge of "riding into the sunset." ... she could be built-up that evening. Everything went smoothly, and two hours later we were back home with Vivian in the living room, ...
Bicycle Fixation: Biking in Rubber Boots
I was so sad. I had never yet spent so much on one thing ($1800 -$2000 if I can remember right), and ... cup of coffee or jabbing the scan button on the car radio. I spent hours enclosed in my box on wheels, learned the freeways well, and took part ... part, it doesn't matter here. I don't miss the time I spent in cars. I'll admit, sometimes I have a nostalgic moment about the ...
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Compassion Over Killing > Settlement Eyed in Egg-Farm Case
That was Monday, after five hours of testimony from witnesses for the prosecution in Jayne F. Duncan’s district court in ... out a settlement—which Duncan had encouraged since April’s preliminary hearing, when attorneys also spent hours in private trying to reach a settlement. “Both sides agreed to try to work ...
One Journey Home: Eldridge Cleaver's Spiritual Path
Edgar Hoover and faced 82 years in prison; the Eldridge Cleaver who spent seven years in exile in Cuba, Algeria, and France. Amazed by ... he was at the Serv-u-Java Café. The two of us spent hours discussing "the statistics" regarding the state of the planet, and the ... the conference. Eldridge lived hand to mouth. When he had money, he spent it or gave it away. He was a consultant at the University ...
One Journey Home: Eldridge Cleaver's Spiritual Path
Edgar Hoover and faced 82 years in prison; the Eldridge Cleaver who spent seven years in exile in Cuba, Algeria, and France. Amazed by ... he was at the Serv-u-Java Café. The two of us spent hours discussing "the statistics" regarding the state of the planet, and the ... the conference. Eldridge lived hand to mouth. When he had money, he spent it or gave it away. He was a consultant at the University ...
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SBN Feature Article: March 1998
So the farmers organized their own certification processes, first locally, then by state. They spent hours hammering out definitions. It's obvious that you can't label your produce organic if ...
Inside Charity- Issue #3
You've learned HTML and spent hours huddled with graphic designers and programmers to create a 21st- ... and to what cause they wish to contribute. Any design time spent on designing a neat, speedy, and secure transaction environment should ... more satisfying experiences that keeps them coming back. A dollar spent on usability is the most cost-effective way to keep ...
Friends of Washoe: Action Alerts and Current Information
We spent hours observing and filming these apes. We discovered more elements of the Bili apesÂ’ unique culture ... to ever undo the damage. Given the seriousness of the situation, TWWF and I have spent the last month writing emails to the ICCN (Institute Congolais Pour la Conservation de la ...
Contact Us
Website after initially contacting me, offering her assistance, and since then has selflessly spent hours of her time to make this Website a reality. Many thanks to you, Venise. Special ...
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