Results 1 - 10 from 229 for spending the winter in 0.556 sec.
short-eared owls
Now, they are an Illinois state-endangered species. Very few pairs nest in Illinois today mostly due to habitat loss. Groups are sometimes seen spending the winter in ... pairs nest in the state. When Can We See Them? Short-eared owls are active at dusk and dawn. Some groups have been seen spending the winter in Illinois. Nesting Behavior: On the ground in ...
KIWC Kid's Page
Hokkaido. I want to know about wetlands. I am a Latham's snipe. I am a migratory bird spending the winter in Australia. I raise our children in the ...
Article template
Meet the Author” presentation at the bookstore in Virginia, Nevada related how she got her permanent job with the National Park Service. She was: recovering from a divorce and spending the winter living in the Sierra Nevada in a house which was still undergoing remodeling. It was snowing and cold. The Park Service called and offered me a job at the Naches ...
Global Warming Crisis Council
OF CHANGE: CRICKETS The long-winged conehead, formerly restricted to the south coast, has moved 60 miles north. RED ADMIRAL BUTTERFLY A migrating species that is now spending the winter in the UK. ... than the models forecast. The U.S. had its warmest spring on record this year, which followed the warmest winter on record. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said this year the ...
EEK! - Critter Corner - Whooping Crane
Florida or other wetlands in the southeastern United States. After spending the winter months in the warm, sunny south, the whooping cranes make the return migration north on their own. This population of whooping cranes that travels from Wisconsin to the ...
Swainson's Hawks - the Minnesota Connection - Raptor Center at the University of Minnesota
The southbound migration of Minnesota's Swainson's hawks begins in late August and continues through early October, with a peak in mid to late September. After spending the winter on the pampas of Argentina and perhaps nearby Bolivia, they return to Minnesota from late March through mid-May, with the majority arriving in late April. ...
Thelma Palmer - The Tree That Went Walking
The tree was whipping hard and Owl, spending the ...
The Canadian Peregrine Foundation -- Buffalo home page
Statler Towers on Franklin St. The third youngster is spending a lot of time on the end of the perch at the ... the winter. There have been a few reports of them over the past couple of months, the most recent by William Broderick on January 27, reporting both on the ...
The Canadian Peregrine Foundation -- Uptown Toronto home page
They are still very territorial for the ... the S.E. and N.W. corners of the TVO building including both spending 5-10 minutes on each ledge. Also today (Monday) I observed the birds on both the ledges of the ...
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Hummingbird F.A.Q.s from the Southeastern Arizona Bird Observatory
Mexican border offers a few species, such as Anna's and Costa's hummingbirds, a suitable year-round home. But most hummingbirds found north of Mexico are highly migratory, spending the summer and winter in completely different areas. The champion migrant is the Rufous Hummingbird, some of which must travel a minimum of 2700 miles one way from the northern edge ...
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