Results 1 - 10 from 329 for speed and direction in 0.213 sec.
P & I Design Ltd
The model is based on the following assumptions:- Concentration profiles in the plume follow the Gaussian distribution in the y direction and z direction. Constant mean wind speed and direction. Dispersion in the x direction is negligible with the bulk transport by the mean wind speed. ...
Preliminary study of the behavior and ecology of axis deer on Maui,
These individuals faced frequently to the SW and remained close to each other (< 2 m) as they foraged and moved in that direction. "Yow" calls were given periodically beginning at ... several deer would exhibit bouts of frisky movement to and from other deer -- circling, kicking, bobbing head and neck, turning, and changing speed and direction. One deer would often recruit others to join in ...
Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies | PCCS Enraged at Incidents of Whale Harassment
Reduce speed to 13 knots; * Post a dedicated lookout to assist the vessel operator in monitoring the location of all marine mammals; * Avoid sudden changes in speed and direction; * Aircraft should maintain a minimum altitude of 1,000 feet over water. 1 mile - ½ mile away: * Reduce speed to 10 knots. ½ mile or less: * Reduce speed to 7 ...
FMI - Weather and Climate - Marine weather
Climate in Finland Weather stations Weather abroad » Suomeksi » På svenska Weather and Climate | Marine weather Forecast: wind and pressure 12:00 14.08. 15:00 14.08. 18:00 14.08. 21 ... . 09:00 16.08. PLAY Animation represents wind speed (m/s), wind direction and air pressure (hPa) forecast for the following two days. Wind speed and direction are 10-minute averages from 10 meters above ground ...
Located roughly south and southeast of the island, Venture, North Triumph and Thebaud are ... and at a deeper site at North Triumph (~80m). COA uses Waverider buoys to collect data on waves (height, length, period), and Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) to acquire data on current speed and direction ...
Weather and climate
Home Next Weather and Climate The current temperature, wind speed and direction, precipitation, humidity, and cloud cover constitutes a weather report. The study of weather is meteorology ... (human made) greenhouse gasses. All refrigerants and solvents made from fluorine and chlorine are potent greenhouse gasses. Almost all refrigerators and air conditioners made since 1928 use freon ...
CHAMP - Seakeys Historical Data - NOAA's Coral Health and Monitoring Program
Enhanced C-MAN Data. Basic National Data Buoy Center C-MAN Data The basic National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) C-MAN instrument package generally monitors meteorological data, such as wind speed and direction, air temperature and barometric pressure; but sea temperature is also measured when possible, ...
Natural Community Restoration and Management
Natural Areas Branch according to a prescription developed by the preserve manager. The prescription states the ecological objectives for the burn and includes a set of parameters for air temperature, wind speed and direction, fuel moisture and relative humidity. If on-site ...
OSPAR / QSR 2000 Chapter 2 - Geography, hydrography and climate
Areas most at risk in Europe include the Dutch and German coastal zones. Storm surges, changes in precipitation, and changes in wind speed and direction add to the concern of coastal planners. In general, major economic and social ...
NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Protecting Lives and Property
NOAA's Operational Water Level Forecast/Nowcast generates water level, current speed and direction forecasts for nine coastal areas. Stay Safe on the Water High resolution (Credit: NOAA) Besides a VHF radio, life vests, and flares on your boat ...
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