spectral lines

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Results 1 - 9 from 9 for spectral lines in 0.472 sec.

Krypton (Kr) - Chemical properties, Health and Environmental effects
It is characterised by its brilliant green and orange spectral lines. The spectral lines of krypton are easily produced and some are very sharp. In 1960 it was internationally ...

India's Peaceable Kingdom
Nara Park, is considered to be sacred ground and the meeting point of several "lay lines" (lines of energy in the Earth that seem to be linked with the location of major ... emulation, though I was deeply moved by the vision of the rainbow that is the spectral vision of the Buddha-light of divine presence, I was no less touched by some ...

India's Peaceable Kingdom
Nara Park, is considered to be sacred ground and the meeting point of several "lay lines" (lines of energy in the Earth that seem to be linked with the location of major ... emulation, though I was deeply moved by the vision of the rainbow that is the spectral vision of the Buddha-light of divine presence, I was no less touched by some ... More from this site

The night sky in the World -  Pierantonio Cinzano
The PMT data have a broad spectral response from 440 to 940 nm (485 - 765 nm FWHM) with highest sensitivity in the ... ) of 0.56 km. Likewise, the electronic sampling of the signal from the individual scan lines maintains a GSD of 0.56 km. The effective instantaneous field of view (EIFOV) is ...

The Stereoscope
"I am superior to all this,"--when, I say, we were all right, the spectral Mokanna dropped his long veil, and his waiting-slave put a sensitive tablet under its ... convex lens through the middle, grind the curves of the two halves down to straight lines, and join them by their thin edges. This is a squinting magnifier and if arranged ...

Role of CO2 in trapping radiation - Joshua Halpern
Date: 19 Oct 1997 05:14:34 GMT Organization: IDT Internet Services Lines: 217 Message-ID: <62c4vq$> References: < ... maintain the high surface temperatures> CO2 alone cannot provide the necessary depth over the emitting spectral region.

Science and the Environment Bulletin: Sensor a Revolution in Spill Detection
In addition, different classes of oil fluoresce with different intensities and exhibit different spectral signatures, meaning that the bands of colour in each class's spectrum are unique. ... survey charts will include surface features, latitude and longitude, and the survey track. The lines extending from each side of the survey track represent oil coverage detected. Factory acceptance ...

Alex Hay - Research Projects
The vertical lines joining the solid and open diamonds indicate two different estimators of nearbed turbulence in ... . From Smyth and Hay, 2001. Figure 6: Vertical profiles of the inertial subrange turbulence spectral slope for different bed states during Sandyduck97 in: (a) frequency domain; (b) wavenumber space. ...

Alex Hay - Research Projects
B re 1 mPa2/Hz @ 1 m) have been determined. These ... array elements malfunctioned). Solid lines denote the internationally designated shipping lane into St. John, NB; dashed-line box the Canadian Right Whale Conservation Area.} Figure 2: Received spectral density levels of right ... More from this site