specific objectives

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Results 1 - 10 from 681 for specific objectives in 0.230 sec.

The ECLAT-2 Project: Introduction
(CAI) started in July 1998 and will run for three years. The CAI has two specific objectives: Primary Objective: to improve the understanding and application of results from climate model experiments ... of results from new climate change experiments performed in Europe and worldwide. These two objectives will be achieved primarily through a series of four workshops that will be initiated, ...

How Do We Get There? - Case Studies |Green Communities | US EPA
The format developed uses the "general goals / specific objectives / actions" approach of the European Community's Agenda 21 Implementation Plan. Specific actions to be taken include actions for all sectors: government ...

Warrah Issue 14 Highlights
Work during the summer months will begin the process of identifying some of those objectives as well as considering possible action plans which ...

To provide an assessment of the genetic resources of Monterey pine, identify key genetic issues, and recommend actions related to genetic conservation. To identify specific ... ) to discussions for overall conservation planning efforts for Monterey pine and to specific forest management activities. To identify research needs based on missing information on ...

Leadership Development | IISD
IISD and the Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI). The specific objectives of the PEERS program have been to: Provide participants with an in-depth understanding and ... and local levels. With this in mind the participants were required to design and implement specific projects based on the principles of sustainable development and relevant to their areas of work ...

CRFM Mission Statement
Mission Statement CRFM Mission Statement mission | goals | objectives | organization | history | directors Mission Statement The mission of the Citizens for Responsible Forest Management is ... for all landowners. Enhance appreciation of the beauty and wonder of our natural ecosystems. Specific Objectives Ensure that forest practices in Santa Cruz County comply with all applicable statues including ...

Areas of Concern in the Great Lakes Region
Protocol) as "geographic areas that fail to meet the general or specific objectives of the agreement where such failure has caused or is likely to cause impairment of ...

WWF - Vision, goals, objectives and strategy
Programme > Marine Turtles > Vision, goals, objectives and strategy Marine Turtles Vision, goals, objectives and strategy Projects Newsroom Publications Vision, goals, objectives and strategy What do we ... critical habitats, unsustainable use and incidental capture in fisheries." 10-YEAR SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: Save the critically endangered Pacific leatherbacks from extinction Ensure the recovery ...

About Us
To address this objective, GRCP solicits extramural funding for specific conservation projects, research on conservation methodology and evaluation, and for training in ... , reports from task forces, and descriptions of major collections. Home | About Us | Objectives | Projects | Publications | Contacts This page last updated March 18, 2002 Copyright UC Regents ...

January 2003 - Cairo, Egypt - Goals/Objectives
Training Activities in NGOs January 2004 - Cairo, Egypt | other working sessions | who | goals/objectives | agenda | outcomes Objectives Introduction:  The Arab Institute for Human Rights organized two workshops in ... · The degree of coherence between the programs and tools in the proposed trainings and the specific needs of NGO's and their targeted populations.  · Development of strategies to ...

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