species thylacoleo

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Results 1 - 4 from 4 for species thylacoleo in 0.169 sec.

Thylacoleo - Introducing Thylacoleo carnifex (page 2)
Thylacoleo - Introducing Thylacoleo carnifex (page 2) . - INTRODUCING THYLACOLEO CARNIFEX - (page 2) . . Wells, Horton and Rodgers, (1982) have conducted studies of the morphology and development of wear patterns on the teeth of the species Thylacoleo ... of kangaroos and made note that 'The Lancefield bones suggest that the species (Thylacoleo) was a meat-eater and give no indication that it was a ...

DPIW - Tasmanian Tiger
Thylacoleo,the marsupial 'lion'. Its diet is believed to have consisted largely of wallabies, but ... hard evidence of the thylacine's continued existence supports the increasingly-held notion that the species is extinct. Nonetheless, the incidence of sightings introduces a reluctance among some authorities to ...

Thylacoleo - The Classification of Thylacoleonids
New South Wales Thylacoleo as a distinct species, T. oweni. The basis provided by McCoy for the new species was as ... has been designated a new species, Thylacoleo hilli. A discovery of new material referable to this species at Bow, New South Wales ... evident in Thylacoleo species. Such dissimilarities, they gathered, was a sufficient basis for constituting a new genus, Wakaleo. The species name, ...

National Wildlife Humane Society
National Science Foundation. Source: Associated Press Marsupial Lion Fossils (Thylacoleo) 'Ferocious Fossils' Found in Australia July 13, 2006 — By Associated Press SYDNEY, Australia - ... bird scientists nicknamed the "demon duck of doom" were among the largely unknown species uncovered in the dig, Archer told reporters Wednesday. "They were galloping kangaroos, they ...

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