species and their habitats

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Results 1 - 10 from 544 for species and their habitats in 0.276 sec.

Canada's New Species at Risk Legislation
The legislation represents a balanced, practical approach for the protection of species and their habitats. The proposed Species at Risk Act (SARA) provides the authority to prohibit the destruction of endangered or threatened species and their critical habitat on ...

Fish and Wildlife Service
Design Program is a dynamic arts curriculum designed to teach wetlands and waterfowl conservation. More... Kids Can Help You and your school: What you can do to help conserve rare, threatened, and endangered species and their habitats ...

Bonamia menziesii (Convolvulaceae) - HEAR species info
Hawaiian Islands: Laysan, Necker, Nihoa, Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe, Maui, and Hawaii. The 12 species and their habitats have been variously affected or are currently threatened by one or more of the following: habitat degradation and/or predation by ...

Climate Change and Nature Conservation
... species and their habitats, and identifying how and when to adapt our approach to nature conservation to reflect future changes; advocating an increase in the level of support for species and ...

WWF - Problems: Unsustainable and illegal wildlife trade
Historically, such overexploitation has caused extinctions or severely threatened species and, as human populations have ... and threaten certain fish species, but causes imbalances in the whole marine system. As human life depends on the existence of a functioning planet Earth, careful and thoughtful use of wildlife species and their habitats ...

Endangered Species and Ecosystems
Many of these species and their habitats are at risk. This site is a gateway to information about endangered species and ecological communities (ecosystems) in BC. You can: Get detailed information on rare and endangered species and ...

Endangered Species and Ecosystems - Teaching Resources
Us BC Species and Ecosystems Explorer CONTACTS Feedback Contact Information Ministry of Environment Endangered Species and Ecosystems Teaching Resources CPAWS Education Program Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society ( ... for Species This program enables students to monitor migratory species and their habitats from beyond Earth’s atmosphere. It is a Web-based learning program that brings science and ... More from this site

Programs and Policy - Defenders of Wildlife
Legislation Defenders mobilizes supporters and partners on the international, national, state and local levels to secure laws and policies that safeguard wild species and their habitats. Select a link Policy and Legislation Endangered Species ...

PARC - How You Can Help Save Amphibians, Reptiles and Their Habitats
Their Habitats You can help to save amphibian and reptile diversity in many different ways. On a larger scale, working to protect your watershed is the first step to ensuring clean water and ...

WWF - Our Solutions to species loss...
Species Programme is ambitious, the conservation gains are also correspondingly high in terms of the animals themselves and their habitats, as well as the many thousands of other species and local livelihoods that will benefit from efforts to conserve these species. By conserving threatened species in their natural ...

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