Results 1 - 10 from 16 for specialized microorganisms in 0.379 sec.
CBOT sampling protocols
Temperature: The majority of microorganisms associated with composting operate within one of two temperature ranges: the mid-range ( ... significant capital expenditure for specialized mixing equipment. A manure spreader will not be as well suited to mixing relatively dry feedstock materials. MIXERS Specialized mixing equipment is divided ...
Horizontal transfer - an introduction
There is a class of viruses, called bacteriophages that are specialized at infecting bacteria. They can be described as a package of DNA surrounded by a ... and transfer by mating all may contribute to uncontrolled spread of genetically engineered genes by microorganisms. The bacteria may spread over wide distances on dust particles and in the sea. They ...
CSWAB: Citizens for Safe Water Around Badger
... reports one company has developed a technology that utilizes a surfactant produced by a specialized group of microorganisms that has the capability to decontaminate buildings, structures and other materials to an “acceptable ...
The Basics of Green Manuring
Azotobacter ... No. 212. Anyone who plans to grow a legume crop without making use of the specialized inoculum is sorely misquided. Not only is the inoculum easy to apply, it is considerably ...
Eco-USA: Benzidine
Some benzidine-based dyes (or products dyed with them) may also still be ... so it does not easily pass into underground water. Certain other chemicals, light, and some microorganisms (for example, bacteria) can slowly destroy benzidine. Certain fish, snails, algae, and other forms ...
SBN Feature Article: April 1998
Each company has specialized, developing expertise in particular contaminants or plant processes. To market their services most rely ... in the rhizosphere, or root zone, of the plant, which contains 10-100 times more microorganisms than unplanted soil. Certain microbes metabolize contaminants, a process that is significantly aided by ...
Ocean zones | oceanography
A great many organisms throughout the water column (including those that ... the people living today with all the other living organisms on land (plants, insects, animals, microorganisms), we account for less than one percent of all the biomass (the total mass of ...
WRC 618 Development of specialized cross- and transverse-flow capillary membrane modules WRC 632 Capillary membrane production development ...
General Microbiology/Culture Collections: by
The CIP has enlarged its collection primarily through collaboration with the specialized research laboratories of Institut Pasteur. International ... World Data Centre for Microorganisms WFCC-MIRCEN World Data Centre for Microorganisms (WDCM) provides a comprehensive directory of culture collections, databases ...
Best of the Humusphere
Thus, conclusions as to whether particular "specialized" microorganisms would be ... very difficult to predict the efficacy of "specialized" microorganisms because factors that determine the competitive ability of microorganisms in the environment are not well understood. Why ...