spasmodic flight

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Results 1 - 3 from 3 for spasmodic flight in 0.137 sec.

The Butterfly and Moth as Symbols in Western Art Cultural Entomology Digest 4
Flight The Power of Flight Flight, Spasmodic Flight, Freedom, Thought, Release of Thought, Creative Thought, Dream Carrier, Sleep, Bringer of News, Divine Inspiration, Magical or Mythical Beings Type, Style, Direction or Time of Flight Spasmodic Flight ...

Diurnal Raptor Enemies
(Hirundinidae) and are capable of great speed in flight when necessary. However, their bodies are shaped for flight in the open skies and when flying at low altitudes below ... the prey struggles, the tighter the talons close around their victim piercing vital organs. The spasmodic gripping of the talons is called footing. (Photo: adult male Cooper's hawk. Younger birds ...

Ravenswood Media Newsletter - June 2008
It looked like a wounded fish stuck in the rocks. Its spasmodic movements offered me a glimpse of a mystery seldom seen. Displaying mussels, Family Unonidae, are ... weeks later we returned to film the bobolinks who had just arrived from their long flight from Brazil. It was heartening to see so many people, giving so freely of their ...