Results 1 - 10 from 57 for soviet leader in 0.317 sec.
Europe on the Matrix: Baltic Countries
KGB (the Soviet secret police) and its informers cast an ominous cloud over daily life for almost half a century. During the 1980s, in response to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev's policy of glasnost (or "openness"), residents of the Baltic countries began to demonstrate against Soviet rule. Their grandest display – ...
Europe on the Matrix: Lithuania (Lietuva)
Soviet republic (and the first of the Baltic states) to proclaim independence from the USSR. The Soviet Union resisted and matters simmered until January 10, 1991 when Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev ordered Red Army troops to seize key government buildings. On January 13, Soviet tanks and ...
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Foreign Affairs - Reagan-Gorbachev III - William G. Hyland
Soviet leader. President Reagan is looking toward the end of his tenure. ... on arms control. Although this Soviet turnabout preceded Gorbachev, it was the new Soviet leader who exploited it vigorously, agreeing not ... —the partyÂ’s supremacy—was severely challenged. Soviet economic troubles worsened, and Soviet society was suffering from a widespread malaise, ...
Foreign Affairs - Brezhnev and Beyond - William G. Hyland
Soviet leader ever to hold the top Party position. He has already established the precedent of being both chief of state and Party leader; he has matched Stalin in being promoted to Marshal of the Soviet Union. By almost any ... Soviet leader ever to hold the top Party position. He has already established the precedent of being both chief of state and Party leader ...
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Progress & Nuclear Power: The Destruction of the Continent and Its
Capital -a struggle defeated by ancient Assyrian (and modern Soviet Socialist) methods of mass deportation, concentration camps, massacres of unarmed prisoners, and unabated brainwashing by ... it and equated the desire for a new life with the desire for a new Leader. The form of derailment of the Populist movement became the form of existence of the ...
Okno Group - Environmental policy briefs - Czech Rep.
States Bulgaria Czech Rep. Hungary Poland Romania Slovakia Fmr. Yugoslavia Central/East European Region Former Soviet region Belarus Caucasus Central Asia Moldova Russia Ukraine The policy briefs reprinted in these pages ... (ODS) which had held power until late last year -- agreed to split power. Social Democrat leader Milos Zeman and his arch-rival Vaclav Klaus of the center-right ODS agreed that ...
Brazil, India, SE Asia and the former Soviet bloc. Monsanto, Novartis and AgrEvo (now Aventis) commercialised GE crops first, relying on their early ... , 1/7/2000 top [3] Dupont established itself as the world leader in synthetic fibres, with such new inventions as Nylon and Raylon, with the aid of ...
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It's no stretch to say their efforts contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. "This legacy, unfortunately, also resulted in many ... , (865) 482-7641, (865) 574-2712,, Bell, a leader of the Beryllium Victims Alliance, is a longtime worker at DOE’s nuclear facility in ...
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Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschel D-SD said, "It is a remarkable demonstration of either ineptitude or extraordinary ... testing by the United States and foreign nations including, but not be limited to, the Soviet Union and its successor states, France, China, India, and Great Britain. The NCI report only ...
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Climate Resources - International Links
Soviet Union. David Suzuki Foundation The foundation of this Canadian naturalist and lecturer has ... Swaminathan Research Foundation Based in Chennai(Madras), India, this research institution is a world leader in sustainable agriculture and rural development; it has sponsored symposia on climate change implications ...
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