southeastern negros

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FROGLOG 60 - Populations of Two Species of Forest Frogs, Genus Platymantis, are Diminishing on Negros Island, the Philippines
Negros (Mabato, Ayungon) and in southeastern Negros (Mantikil, Siaton) indicated a few males calling in 1999-2000. The species has become very rare in the Cuernos de Negros and Lake Balinsasayao area in southeastern Negros ... non-limestone and limestone forest fragments in southwestern Negros (237/ha; 67/ha) are lower than that for Cuernos de Negros, southeastern Negros (588.5/ha), based on two 100ft ...

Terrestrial Ecoregions: Indo-Malayan
Eastern Java-Bali montane rain forests Eastern Java-Bali rain forests Greater Negros-Panay rain forests Himalayan subtropical broadleaf forests Irrawaddy freshwater swamp forests Irrawaddy moist ... dry deciduous forests Northern dry deciduous forests South Deccan Plateau dry deciduous forests Southeastern Indochina dry evergreen forests Southern Vietnam lowland dry forests Sri Lanka dry-zone ...