soundings collected

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Results 1 - 5 from 5 for soundings collected in 0.196 sec.

NGDC/MGG-Announcements: Bathymetry of Lake Michigan
Soundings collected since 1903 were already reduced to the Lake Michigan mean low water datum; these were used for bathymetric contouring without further calibration or adjustments. Soundings collected prior to 1903 were reduced to a mean low water datum. In preparation for bathymetric contouring, digital soundings were converted to metric ...

NGDC/MGG-Announcements: US Coastal Relief Data on CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, or free for download
US Geological Survey 3-arc-second DEMs with a vast compilation of hydrographic soundings collected by the National Ocean Service and various academic institutions. Eight CD-ROMs are available covering ... product also includes auxiliary grids for non-land areas: a set containing the number of soundings encompassed by each cell and a set containing distances to the nearest original data for ... More from this site

Deepest Ocean - Challenger Deep
Japanese sent a highly specialized survey vessel out to the Marianas Trench and collected some data using a piece of equipment called a narrow, multi-beam echo sounder. What ... returned to the surface and determines the depth based on the rate of return. These soundings are plotted on a graph by a computer to make an "echo map" of the ...

Oceans Alive! | The Scientist at Sea | Remote Sensing
New satellites and new programs mean vast amounts of new data being collected. These data and their interpretation will help us to find important pieces of the puzzle ... track schools of fish, locate submerged submarines and map the ocean floor. Try taking ocean soundings yourself!

ENN: Robot vehicle surveys deep sea off Pacific Northwest
On this first cruise, Sentry collected as many as 60 million individual soundings of seafloor depth in a single dive. Powered by more than 1 ...

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