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The issue of genetic engineering and agriculture is also a thorny one, socio-politically. Although lab-based methods of changing the genetic makeup of crop varieties are usually ...
HFCs ? Why such a debate on HFCs ? What are the economical and technical advantages of HFCs for society ? About HFCs and refrigeration What makes a good ... for more than 90% of this impact . Six other gases produced industrially and of important socio-economical added value were included in the protocol because of their intrinsic global warming potential and ...
About PSRAST - Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Application of Science and Technology
In the case of food biotechnology, we are concerned as the concomitant changes of agriculture has had a greater negative impact on the socio-economical ... socio-economically. This is especially important now that science and technology have reached such levels that their applications may have powerful and far-reaching environmental, health and socio-economical ...
Dam decommissioning in France
They may be renewed, but the renewal involves finding a balance between the socio-economical advantages linked to maintaining the dam (energy, multi-use working, drinking-water supply, tourism, ... on the Vienne tributary river whose ecological impacts were no longer compensated by an economical interest would be removed (see below). The Government also accepted the principle that a ...
EIC - Environmental Information Resource, Human Development resources and travel sites resources
Degreaser - Replace hazardous chemicals and solvents with safe, biodegradable, effective and economical SOLUTION 2000™. Free, exclusive territory and trademark license for distributors. Institute for Sustainable ... Contact us Contact us Data sets at EIC Forest Area & Protected Areas Demography & Socio Economic Watershed Land Use/Land Cover Disaster Prone Areas Infrastructure Topography ...
Le concept de gestion par bassin versant : nouvel outil de gestion socio-économique
Watershed as a management concept: a new tool for socio-economic administration Since 1997, the Petitcodiac Watershed Monitoring ... that respects environmental capacity in a viable socio-economical context. Le concept de gestion par bassin versant : nouvel outil de gestion socio-économique Eric Arseneau Groupe de Surveillance du ...
Ethics Policy
Ensure the right of all members to ...
Participatory Session John Cremer* 10.00 am Presentations on biological, physical and socio-economical aspects of climate change: Dr. Peter Henderson, PISCES Conservation Ltd. Portsmouth Mark Goldthorpe, SE Climate ...
Charcoal and its Socio-Economic Importance in Asia:
Prospects for Promotion
Promotion Charcoal and its Socio-Economic Importance in Asia Prospects for Promotion by Tara Bhattarai Wood Energy ... establishments use it as energy source. This paper deals with the socio-economic importance of charcoal for Asia and was presented at the ... 1. Why charcoal? 2. Charcoal production and use may not always be economical 3. Who uses? Who produces and where? 4. Factors to consider ...
IAH _ International Association of Hydrogeologists
Urban Water for Mega-cities - technical, socio-economical, institutional, and legal aspects as well as capacity development issues; Urban Water ... doivent avoir trait aux sujets suivants : Eaux urbaines des mégapoles - aspects techniques, socio-économiques, institutionnels et juridiques, et questions relatives au renforcement des capacités ; Eaux ...