social dominance

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Results 1 - 10 from 118 for social dominance in 0.318 sec.

Biographical Sketch of Mark and Delia Owens
US - June 1996 Das Tier Magazine (Germany) - December 1996 Animal Behaviour (UK) 51, 535-551 "Social dominance and reproductive patterns in brown hyenas, Hyaena brunnea, of the central Kalahari desert" - 1996 International ...

Primate Freedom Project
Later in life, Piotr's social status changed. Less obviously powerful, he played the role of a benevolent uncle. Eventually, as is common during social dominance transition periods in macaque groups, Piotr ... work out their conflicts, given the opportunity. This is part of the flexibility of their social behavior, studied at great length by behavioral scientists. Little did Piotr know at the ...

Volhard's Puppy Aptitude Test
Social Dominance: Let pup stand up and gently stroke him from the head to back while you crouch beside him. Continue stroking until a recognizable behavior is established. Degree of acceptance of social dominance ... and unlikely to be a good pet or obedience dog. SCORING TIPS 3 in Social Attraction and Social Dominance: The socially attracted dog is more easily taught to come and is more cuddly ...

Learning to compete and cope. Seniority Classification Social dominance - 10 to 16 weeks 10 to 16 weeks Puppy has been in the home for ... More from this site

WWF - Asian elephants - Ecology & Habitat
Social Structure Asian elephants are extremely sociable, forming groups of 6 to 7 related females that ... sexual activity until 14-15 years, and even then they are not capable of the social dominance that usually is necessary for successful reproductive activity. There have been some reports of elephants ...

Discover Life in America -- Agenda
"The Evolution of Social Life". In: Horizons of Anthropology, Sol Tax, ed., Aldine Publ., Chicago, pp. 25-36. 1965 "Male dominance and mating behavior in baboons". In: ... In: Human Diversity: Its Causes and Social Significance, B. D. Davis and P. Flaherty, eds., Ballinger Publ., Cambridge, Massachusetts pp. 21-36. 1979 "Aggressive competition and social dominance theory," with J. L. ...

Robert Gilman - Continental Themes
They left behind people of identical social and economic standing. What made the difference? Probably thousands of factors, but those who came ... to be unrestrained in the exercise of their strength, or freedom for the weak from dominance by the strong? From the contrasting settlements at Plymouth and Jamestown through the debates of ...

William N. Ellis - Governance
Families, churches, employers, schools and technologies ... equity, democracy, peace or self-realization. Each vertical hierarchy might still remain open to dominance and elitism. New forms of governance call for a more fundamental reordering of ... More from this site

Behavior [n] Social Structure : Giraffa camelopardalis
Description Classification Etymology and History Habitat Diet Physical Characteristics Adaptations Behavior & Social Structure Reproduction and Sexuality Subspecies and Relatives Life Span Predators and Threats ... females, and fight for dominance using their necks and buttressed skulls. Overall, the giraffe’s social grouping is one of convenience, not social bonds. The only significant ...

Big Brain Evolved Through Social Problem Solving
Columbia researchers found that the ability to excel at social problem solving led human brains to surpass other species in size, developing ecological dominance 1.5 to 2 million years ago. Researchers ... to think ahead and mentally simulate what others might do is another reason humans achieved dominance. "As our ancestors gained control of other species, through hunting and other means, the most ...

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