smaller furnaces

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Sustaining Penn's Woods: The Forest Products Industry
Tannin: In the late 1850's ...

BACKDRAFTING - Mother Earth News Nov./Dec. 1988 (Excerpted)
More-efficient and smaller furnaces : Most of the improvements in furnace efficiencies achieved in the last decade have come ... smaller more-efficient furnace is installed. The flue gases will be cooler and their volume will be too little for the chimney's capacity. To cope with lower flue temperatures and smaller furnaces ...

Plain English Guide To The Clean Air Act
Also, as the pollution gets worse, pollution controls are required for smaller sources. Other criteria pollutants: carbon monoxide and particulates The carbon monoxide (CO) and particulate ... air pollutants, including some cancer-causing chemicals, than smoke from oil- or gas-fired furnaces. Steps to clean up wood smoke pollution have included redesigning the burning system in ...

Air Permitting - Division of Air Resource Management - FDEP
The general permit program offers an alternative to regular permits and simplifies the ... permit (called a title V operating permit) that most large sources and some smaller sources of air pollution are required to obtain. National Title V Program Information ...

Healthy Indoor Air
Appliances designated as supplemental or ... are not blocked to reduce the chances of backdrafting in furnaces, fireplaces, and similar equipment. Inspect metal flues for rust; in furnaces, the heat exchanger should be checked for rust and cracks ...

Healthy Indoor Air
Cement sheets, millboard, and other materials insulating around furnaces, fireplaces, and woodstoves Soundproofing and decorative materials sprayed on walls and ceilings Textured paints ... at risk; their hand-to-mouth behavior increases ingestion of lead dust and their smaller size leads to a greater effect of lead on their developing bodies (especially mental ... More from this site

English and Roman Plumbing History
Warm air for the Thermae bath was supplied by furnaces heating hollow bricks located under the entire floor. As the name ... the great baths back home, but scaled in size to its smaller location. At that, the complex must have comprised approximately 23 acres. ... of wood or coal provided the fuel for the warm-air furnaces, especially for the hottest room with its sub-floor heating. The ...

Nonrenewable Energy - Natural Gas
Very small lines, called "services", connect to the mains and go directly ... it too. More than 62.5 percent of homes use natural gas to fuel stoves, furnaces, water heaters, clothes dryers and other household appliances. It is also used to roast coffee ...

What is Electricity?
Atoms are made of even smaller particles. The center of an atom is called the nucleus. It ... The protons and neutrons are very small, but electrons are much, much smaller. Electrons spin around the nucleus in shells a great distance from the ... produce steam. Coal, petroleum (oil), and natural gas are burned in large furnaces to heat water to make steam that in turn pushes on ... More from this site

CONDITIONED SPACE, DIRECTLY. DISAGGREGATION - The functional separation of the vertically integrated utility into smaller, individually owned business units (i.e., generation, dispatch/control, transmission, distribution). The terms ... 2000 K (1700° C approximately), a temperature that can be achieved in solar furnaces without major problems, water is split into hydrogen and oxygen. Ceramic membranes ...